Pregnancy is Odd

Some of our baby's first gifts!

Sarah commented that she wondered about weird stuff during pregnancy, so here are some of my experiences, as of 20 weeks . . 

Food - I am so HUNGRY. My ramped up appetite was actually one of my first symptoms that made me think, maybe this isn't just killer PMS. From about week 6 to 13, I felt off (dizzy or weak) much of the time unless I'd JUST eaten. My food aversions were simple: anything sweet (including fruit, candy, and chocolate - very difficult to explain at Easter parties when it was too early to reveal our good news) and Chinese food. 

In fact, I mostly lived on carbs and cheese (plus eggs, as long as someone else was preparing them). Vegetables had to be cooked just right but then I could stomach a small portion. By about 14-15 weeks, I could handle most foods (Chinese is still out) and I've learned to eat immediately if I feel hunger coming on.

Nosebleeds - I usually get a minor nosebleed or two every winter, easily stopped by pinched nostrils and a few minutes of rest. But pregnant women are prone to nosebleeds, and mine became more severe as well. Thankfully I always get them to stop but blood gushing from your nose is still a little scary.

Boobs - My boobs were on fire for about two weeks at the very beginning (even before I took a pregnancy test). Sensitive and full - so strange. I used to be not quite a B cup but too big for A cup (this website has charts so you can see what a B cup in the US converts to where you live) so larger breasts have definitely been an adjustment! I'm grateful the pain subsided when the growth spurt ended.  

Sleep - Growing a baby is tiring! The baby makes sure I wake up at no later than 15 minutes after my normal time - 5:30 (whether the alarm is set or not ). So I go to bed at 8pm. This is no big deal Monday - Friday because my husband's at work anyway but the weekends are a bit tougher. Luckily close friends/family were acclimated to my crazy old lady bedtime (9pm previously) and they don't bat an eye when we leave a bit early or beg them not to make dinner reservations for 7 o'clock!

The actually sleeping part has been easy though. I'm a stomach sleeper and not a huge fan of pillows. Always have been. I only use a corner of my pillow, pressed to the perfect level of cushy flatness, enough to rest my head on but so that my mouth/nose hang off the side of the pillow and bed. (Yep, I'm weird! I'm convinced the air is fresher when my face is suspended off the side like that.) That was just fine til about 16ish weeks when stomach sleeping became uncomfortable. I've reluctantly switched to this massive pillow, which supports my knees, arms, and back simultaneously. I'm a convert now though! It feels amazing to sink into at night. But I use it upside down, because my face cannot be in the middle of the pillow like the model's!

By far though, the strangest (and best!) thing is feeling the baby move!! So exciting and reassuring. I am really enjoying this pregnancy :)


  1. wow, that's big news. bigger changes coming. sleep now.

    1. haha, I've borrowed a line from Susannah and when people ask if I want a boy or a girl, I say, "I want a sleeper!" I really am loving sleep right now :)

  2. So many changes; some sudden and some sneak up on you!

    1. Definitely! The nosebleeds were a huge surprise!

  3. I'm not sure what it is about baby socks and booties, but just seeing that cute little picture made me instantly smile! It is so fantastic to hear that you are enjoying the pregnancy. The nosebleeds must be a bit disconcerting but hopefully might stop at some stage. If you can get the right type of pillow in pregnancy it is make-or-break! The fatigue is crazy, isn't it. It definitely helps you to feel so much better if you can get those early 8pm bedtimes. So exciting; can't believe you are 20 weeks already!

    1. Me too, I love little baby socks! I can't believe I'm 20 weeks either! Time's going by very quickly.

  4. Well, I obviously know nothing about being pregnant, but I've read that much of the nausea that comes with morning sickness is actually extreme hunger in disguise, so I think you are right in not waiting to eat when you're hungry. And that pillow looks AMAZING - I have a crazy system of pillows stacked up all around me to support back, neck & legs, but that pillow looks like it might replace all of them! I'm a side sleeper, but I have to have my head pointed in a downward angle hanging off the edge of the pillow or else I feel like I can't breath - so your upside down trick makes complete sense to me. Anyhow, I might have to give that a try at some point.

    The nosebleeds are concerning. I suffered from horrible nosebleeds as a child and for a while they put me on vitamin K - not sure if that's a good idea or not if you're pregnant. I can't say it really helped much. For me, the key was learning to chill out a bit. As and adult I finally realized that the nosebleed trigger was stress. Every time I'd get really angry (anger which, I - of course - couldn't let myself express) my blood pressure would sky rocket and blood would start pouring out of my nose. Learning not to hold it all in pretty much solved my nosebleed problem. I doubt that will help you, but thought I'd toss it out there just in case...

    Be well and take care of yourself!

  5. The pillow is awesome - I don't know how tall you are, but I'm 5'3" and just fine with the petite version - it might be worth looking into if you consider buying one because it's $25 cheaper.

    Have you read Dead End in Norvelt? It's the partially-true story of the author's childhood and he suffered from nosebleeds when he was scared, nervous, or embarrassed. Your story made me think of him. :) Mine usually occur in the winter because of dry air (sleeping with a humidifier makes me feel like I'm trapped in a tropical rain forest or something so I avoid them). But I guess one of the fun side effects of pregnancy is extra bodily fluids (saliva, blood, mucus, etc.) and with that, more nosebleeds. I always rest immediately if I get one, so maybe I need to pay more attention and see if I can prevent them with rest.

    Thanks! :)

  6. Wow! 20 weeks already! So happy you're feeling good and everything is going smoothly. I was pregnant all three times over the winter and got a few more nosebleeds than normal. I totally agree - scarier when pregnant! but I've heard pretty normal. Hopefully you're in the clear now that the warmer weather is here. I also had/have low blood pressure which made me feel dizzy/weak too sometime. Usually eating something salty helped as well as staying well hydrated.

    1. It's flying by! We saw a lot of family over the weekend and everyone kept saying, "You're halfway there!" - I truly can't believe it. Thanks for the salt tip, definitely worth a try next time I get that feeling!

  7. Sorry it's taken me a while to stop by - rest assured, I did read this as soon as I got the email! The photo is so cute, to start with!

    I live for the promise of bigger boobs when pregnant, as I'm sometimes hardly even an A cup, though with more weight, I fill them ok ;)

    I've never had a nosebleed, so I'd be super scared. Here's hoping others advice means you will see less and less of them. And sorry about the tiredness, I'm nanna in my bed times too, so I'm sure I'll be similar.

    1. No worries, take your time! :) I hope pregnancy brings you some bigger boobs and you enjoy them! My husband's certainly not complaining.

      Wow, you've never had a nosebleed? I can't imagine! I've gotten them almost every winter since I can remember.

    2. In the TMI section, I get dried blood in my nose, but never the gush I've seen!

    3. No worries! I get that sometimes too :)

      And just wanted to let you know - I can't get your blog to load today. There's an error message about the domain being for sale??

  8. Wow, congratulations! I've been out of the loop and missed this fantastic news completely. Glad it's all going well, and you don't seem to have too much weird stuff!

    My sister had terrible sickness and food aversions when she was pregnant with my nephew and had to take medication. He's two months old now and they're both doing great. I'm very excited about meeting him next week :)

    1. Thank you! It's terrible that your sister had to go through such awful sickness. I'm glad both she and the baby are going well now - have fun meeting him! :)

  9. The miracle of our body changing to create life. So amazing. As to boobs: wait until your milk comes in. The nurses called me Dolly (as in Parton). They were huge and painful. And I'm not small. I had to use 2 cloth nappies (diapers) folded in triangles and pinned like a sling for a few days.

    I also needed sleep and would nap as soon as I got home from work and then get up for dinner and then go back to sleep.

    Enjoy the time to focus on your body.

    1. I agree, and it's amazing that my body knows what to do even though I don't! Just incredible :)


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