Houlihan's Asian Chop Chop Salad

Happy Friday! I'm so ready to sleep in tomorrow :) Have anything fun planned?

Mr. Giraffe and I recently had a date night and went out to dinner. My appetizer was nothing to write home about, but my salad? Amazing! Houlihan's bills it as the Asian Chicken Chop Chop Salad, so I used one of my vegetarian eating-out tricks and asked for the chicken on a separate plate. (Mr. G gave the chicken two thumbs up.) Unfortunately, at $15, it wasn't the most affordable meal, but I plan to make it at home for much cheaper. 
It's lettuce, cabbage, carrots, snow peas, bell pepper, jicama, peanuts, sesame seeds, and wonton strips or tortilla strips. All fairly normal (except the jicama - this was my first time trying it, tastes like a raw potato), but I never would've thought to combine them myself. (The asparagus was part of my husband's meal that he kindly gifted to me.) I didn't sample the salad dressing - see more of my weird food aversions here - but it was served with a sesame ginger dressing on the side if that helps.

Oh, and next week is Thanksgiving, so I may not be posting, but I'll still be around visiting your blogs. :) 


  1. That looks delicious! I recently ordered a salad with chicken in it from Hard Rock Cafe because I am not keen on their vegetarian items. When I set the chicken aside, it only added up to about an ounce! An especially bad deal for $15.

    1. I find it strange that salads can be expensive - and especially for so little chicken! Thankfully I can "borrow" their idea to use at home for much less :)

  2. That's a great idea to put the chicken on the side. The dish looks lovely - also a great idea to keep a record of ingredients and do a home-made version. I hadn't heard of jicama here in Australia - now I'm intrigued to find out if specialty grocers might stock it here!

    1. Yeah, I love all the colors!

      Jicama comes from Mexico, so it'd probably enjoy some warm Australian weather. :)

  3. This looks lovely and really healthy too! I think I would have to have it with a sauce though. Maybe sweet chilli or something like that.

    1. The color combo makes it so vibrant! A little sauce would be tasty - give it some zing :)

  4. great ideas. and maybe I could bring meat home for the cat.


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