Yummy Vegetarian Dumpling Soup

Soup is one of my favorite foods (alongside rice) and such a versatile food that I never get sick of it. So I'm always on the look out for new soup recipes or ideas. (One I'm not sure I have the gumption to try - cold soup. Have you had it?)

Enter this Chickpeas & Dumplings soup by Kiersten. 
my small first helping - it smelled strongly of thyme and I wasn't sure I'd like it!
It's the vegetarian version of Chicken & Dumplings soup, one of my top 5 favorites. We had almost all the ingredients on hand, so I made this the day she posted it. It was amazing! Even Mr. G, who was pretty certain he didn't like dumplings, loved this soup.

The first picture is when I had just dropped in the dumplings. Second picture is 20 minutes of simmering later. So cool!
Dumplingsoup1 DSC_0449

I made a few small changes to the recipe:
  • left out the chickpeas because we didn't have any in the pantry (thought about substituting edamame in their place, but the soup was hearty already, so I didn't)
  • omitted the dill, paprika, and bay leaf and added 1/2 teaspoon each of nutmeg and dry mustard because I had them on hand
  • used broth in place of the white wine
Finding recipes like this one make me so excited. It's easy, vegetarian, delicious, and uses up all those random veggies I have left at the end of the week. Win! :)

Are you a soup fan? What's your favorite?

linking up with Sarah


  1. That soup looks amazing! We are definitely soup fans here. I probably stick to fairly basic ones but all tried-and-true favorites. We love pumpkin soup, potato and leek & spicy tomato soup. But I'd love to try a 'hearty' soup like this one - it might be more filling as an entire meal in itself. I think my husband would love that recipe.

    1. Those all sound yummy! We adore tomato soup (I usually pair it with grilled cheese sandwiches) - but I don't think I've ever made it spicy before. I'll have to try it :)

  2. The BF doesn't believe in soup, but I'll make it in winter to have a healthy lunch everyday (big batch that I take to work over and over). See this recipe isn't about the soup to me - it's ALL about the dumplings! I can't go past a dumpling - whether it's the pastry wrapped delight in Chinese restaurants, or this more European version, which is breadier, I love them all!

    1. He doesn't believe in soup?! I've never heard of such a thing!

      This was the first time I've ever made a dumpling soup, and they came out amazing (if I do say so myself). Light and fluffy! It made four total servings for us - so the leftovers would last you well into the workweek. :)

  3. I have never heard of light and fluffy dumplings, LOL! I will have to try it. I've had two cold soups - one a gazpacho and another an Eastern European cherry soup. I was not wild about either, I suppose because I'm just too accustomed to thinking soup "should" be hot!

    1. I've had the more dense kind of dumpling and the fried kind that's filled with something. I like 'em all! :)

      Yes, whenever I think about cold soup, I just can't imagine enjoying eating chilly liquid. I'll try it one day!

  4. I could eat soup every single day! Cold soups would probably be called smoothies these days. Classics are vichyssoise, beet borscht, and gazpacho -- all yummy. I've never had a fruit soup, but I'd be game. I love chicken and dumplings . now I have a craving.

    1. I could eat soup every day too. I hope you can satisfy that craving ;)

  5. I can't do cold soups - have tried it and don't like it. Love chicken and dumpling soup - with and without the chicken :-)

    1. Oh well, at least you can say you tried it cold! This was my first time making this soup without the chicken, and I didn't miss it at all :)

  6. I love soup and make a different kind almost every week during the cooler months. I even posted about my quest to find an old fashioned butternut bisque this week.

    1. Ooh, I'll have to check that out. I've never made a butternut bisque.

  7. I love soups, but not so much the cold ones. Nice to see a vegetarian dumpling soup recipe. Thanks :).

    1. It's so nice to see there are tons of other soup lovers out there! Yes, I love when people make meat recipes vegetarian :)

  8. You are right, it's the perfect way to use up veggies in the frig.

    1. Yep, and I always seem to at least a few veggies left over!

  9. Other than gazpacho I don't do cold soup. Just a idea of it problem. Sure its delicious along with many other things I don't eat like oysters. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

    1. Even when I ate seafood, I couldn't eat oysters! The texture was the gross part for me.

  10. I love soup, especially during the winter. My 13-year old son won't eat any kind of soup. Ever. Can you guess he's the picky eater in my family, LOL?

    1. No soup - ever?! That's too bad. He's missing out!

  11. Your soup looks great!

    I love cold soups, especially gazpacho and melon soup. I think what turned me on to them was eating them on truly hot days, with no air conditioning. They were perfection, and so refreshing.

    1. Good point! I crave cool foods on hot days too, so maybe I should save my cold soup experiment for summer.

  12. It's certainly been a soup-rich winter season for us too. This vegetarian take on an old favorite looks very tempting.

    1. Yes, there's nothing like a warm soup when it's cold outside. :) I hope you like this soup if you try it!

  13. I love soup, too! Would have to leave out the dumplings in this one, because of the carbs (Yes, I know the dumplings are the best part!) but the soup alone sounds tasty, too.

    1. Oh, that's too bad. The dumplings were my favorite part, but the veggies were good too. :)


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