New Sneakers

I tried on my first pair of Clarks about eight years ago and fell in love immediately. The fit and comfort can't be beat! Since then I've gone through three identical pairs of sneakers (most recent pair is on the left) and a couple pairs of dress shoes. But my current pair of sneakers had certainly seen better days so I trekked to the mall for a new pair. And was bluntly informed by the salesperson that style had been discontinued two years ago! Oh, the horror. 

So began my quest for a suitable replacement. But hunting down a pair of black, slip-on sneakers was harder than I thought. The last place I tried was Nordstorm and of course, there they were! Not exactly the same look, but close enough, and more importantly, super comfy.

Why am I worrying about sneakers in February? Because I'm not a huge fan of boots. I mean, I'll wear them when it's necessary (outdoors in the winter) but you won't catch me wearing boots for fun or style. And if I have to wear boots, I'll pack another pair of shoes to change into once I'm inside. Or even better, if I'm visiting friends or family - score! - then once indoors, I swap out boots for slippers :)

Here's hoping my new shoes take good care of my feet for the next couple years!


  1. My husband has ecco shoes for work - they can't be beat for comfort and durability.
    I'm glad you managed to track some down.

    1. I'd never heard of ecco brand before - I'm glad to hear they're durable!

  2. I have two pairs of identical (save for age) shoes, they were $99 each, and one's had $40 work of resoling, but for comfy shoes that look good to wear at work, as well as walk to work, it's well worth it.

    I was surprised for your preference for slipper on sneakers - I just found them uncommon to even look at - so no wonder you took a while to find them in stores. Unlike you though, I quite like boots :) Sadly sweltering weather doesn't suit them as much!

    1. These were $99 as well, and I agree, it's worthwhile as long as they're comfy/durable. I prefer slip-on shoes in general because my dirty little secret is that I often take my shoes off (when they're hidden behind my desk, under a table at meetings, etc.). I know it's weird, but I like stretching my toes!

    2. Ha, I just spent the ash Wednesday service standing or sitting with my feet on the tippy toes, to stretch out my feet! So in some regards, I understand..

  3. I have a terrible time finding shoes that fit. After numerous failed attempts, I finally discovered that men's sneakers fit me MUCH better than women's. Not sure what the deal is, but women's shoes are always WAY too narrow for my feet. So now I just buy the cheap ones in the men's department and my little tootsies are quite happy!

    Hope you enjoy your new shoes!

    1. Whatever works! :) I always had narrow feet as a kid so extra thick socks were my friend.

  4. Ugh...when favourite brands / fits are changed...! You are getting good 'lives' out of your runners though. My sneakers seem to last a long time, too - but dress shoes barely make it through a season. I wear them out, even with re-soling. $99 is good for sneakers that will last. They look great, too.

    1. Thank you! I love how vibrant the red insides are :)

      My dress shoes don't last as long as sneakers either. Maybe dress shoes are flimsier in general?

  5. I hate it when favourite sneakers die. I share your distress at trying to find a new pair. I tried to find a black pair before we came to England but I couldn't find a comfy pair so gave up. Look and comfort are a hard duo to get right in the one pair!

    1. So true! Hopefully you'll find a new pair soon!


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