Peanut Pumpkin

Another post coming to you from the farmers' market: the peanut pumpkin. They had a huge display of pumpkins and squash out this weekend. As I got closer, I realized it really does look like peanut shells on the pumpkin skin. (eHow says it might be a cross between a squash and pumpkin plant.)
Mr. G isn't a fan of pumpkin, and I don't want to eat 12 pounds of anything by myself so I didn't buy one. But it was too cool not to share :)

linking up with wordless Wednesday


  1. I saw some odd pumpkins a couple of weeks ago, too. Where are these coming from?

    Here's mine: Pumpkin Truck!

  2. Looks like warts on normal skin. Are they safe for consumption?
    Happy WW!

    1. Yes, they're edible and supposedly very sweet!

  3. I've never seen these before! They look a little...creepy! Definitely unique, though!

    1. Yes, creepy and unique! At first I thought it was mold or something gross, haha.

    2. My gut also went for creepy... not so open minded tonight evidently!

    3. haha, creepy is understandable!

    4. Oooo. I don't think I could eat them either. Creepy and yucky. Definitely looks like mould in the photo. Give me the nice smooth skin of a Queensland Blue or a Japanese pumpkin.

    5. This was also my first time seeing a blue pumpkin - they're very pretty!

  4. Cool. I never heard of peanut pumpkin before.

  5. That's the strangest looking thing I've ever seen! Looks like it has barnacles on it or something!

    BTW - you could always buy a pumpkin and use it to make pumpkin bread or muffins - they freeze wonderfully!

    1. haha, barnacles - exactly!

      Mmm, pumpkin bread! I like your bake and freeze idea :)

  6. Wow, cool looking. I have never seen pumpkins like that before.

  7. New to me, too. Very appropriate for Hallowe'en: looks like brains!


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