Do Spiders Like Cereal?

That's a silly question, right? But I found one in my cereal bowl earlier . .
I don't see many spiders inside the house and this is a pretty big one (laugh away if you live in Australia) so I thought I'd snap a photo. And no worries about the spider's safety. I took it outside after I took its picture. :)

Do you see many spiders?


  1. Ugggghhhh! That is so creepy! We do have lots of spiders in the house here but I've never had one in my food!

    We have Huntsmen (the spider in the video you linked to) everywhere here. I had one fall on my head from the car ceiling when I was driving once.

    I still think it's creepy to find a spider in your breakfast!!

    1. I'm sorry to creep you out! He got in the bowl after I was done - that bowl was sitting on the counter waiting for its turn in the dishwasher. I thought it was a strange place for a spider.

      The guy in the video had a Huntsman fall on his head too. That would scare me because it's so unexpected!

  2. I wouldn't like any creepy crawly in my cereal. Huntsmen spiders are honestly not that scary. My husband won't let us kill them as they eat bugs, but I'm still not laughing at you. The little black spiders are the worst. Google "red back spider". Hate, hate, hate them. I disturbed a few nests of them in my last house. Truly scary. Nearly had a heart attack when one crawled out of my shoe -AS I WAS PUTTING IT ON. Sorry, had to shout that.

    Still, fear is a funny thing. One of my sons is scared of moths! But he'll catch the train home at night alone!

    I always find a shoe is a good weapon against spiders. If you can see them, they can't bite you. Just squash them.

    Now walking into webs in the garden, that's another story. Where's the bloody spider?

    1. I'm okay with most spiders because they eat the bugs that annoy me - flies and gnats. I just put them outside. But that redback spider is awful (I read its wiki page). We have its relative, the Black Widow around here and its scary to think one bite could kill you. No worries about shouting - they aren't welcome in my shoes either!

      Haha webs in the garden, so true! And they rebuild them so fast. My parents have one in front of their door almost every morning. Crazy!

  3. I do actually. beautiful little creature. if that one were around here, it would be a hopper.

    1. I don't think I've ever seen a hopping spider!

  4. I'd be scared about it being in my cereal bowl - worried I could have eaten him!

    Alas, no, I've never found one inside. But to gross you and all out, a couple of weeks ago I started noticing maggots on the ceiling. There was a 10 a day killing spree, and they've gone. No idea where they came from... I suspect behind the microwave cupboard (warm...) but I'm not sure what caused them to grow. Rest assured, we don't fling food over our cupboards.... Many suggested they were pantry moths, but I actually think they were flies.

    1. I should've been more clear . . I found him in a bowl that was sitting on the counter, waiting to be put in the dishwasher.

      Maggots, yuck! So glad you're done with those. Every so often, we have flies inside our office during the depths of winter and wonder the same - where are they growing/eating?

  5. You're good. I would have screamed and flushed it down the toilet. Creepy.

  6. Missed this post somehow. I like spiders and also take them outside. I have seen jumping ones! (They are tiny). And we have these spiders on our wharves and docks at freshwater lakes (can you believe this kid):

    1. Wow, that spider is huge. I love how she vacillates between chasing after it and running away from it, haha!


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