What social media do you use?

I've been thinking a lot about social media lately since I made the decision to join instagram. So I figured a post about my (limited) social media usage might be interesting. And of course I'd love to hear which ones you use :) The short answer is - I use Pinterest, goodreads, and instagram, of which only Pinterest and instagram are really heavy hitters popularity-wise (although not to the level of Facebook or twitter).
goodreads was my first love - recording books I've read, following/friending people who enjoy the same books I do, adding books to a paperless to-read list? Perfect

Then I added Pinterest mostly to organize recipes and pin information that would otherwise get lost. It's especially nice for a quick scan compared to cookbooks of yore, because I love seeing how a recipe looks when I'm browsing.

And finally, I joined instagram because I like seeing how others capture little moments every day and was hoping to do so myself. It'll be super cool to look back on in a year or so. And I look forward to having more "everyday" photos in our 2014 year in review photo album :)

So, social media. What are your thoughts? Which ones do you prefer?


  1. Love the explanation of the different social media.

    I started with Instagram but gave up. Just had too little time for even more things to post. So I'm a Facebooker and blogger. That's enough for this little kitty.

    1. I understand. The added time commitment is tough!

  2. I have accounts for "all the above" but virtually never login to Instagram or Pinterest. I check Facebook but rarely post. Too many medias, too little time. It would be great though to have the year on Instagram, I wish I was organised enough to do that!

    1. Yeah, finding the time is difficult, and they just keep coming out with new ones!

  3. Well... for me blogging is the extent of my social media use. I deleted my FaceBook account after they pissed me off one too many times. I think it should be called "StalkerBook". While I think social media can be fun, and it does come in handy for finding long lost friends, in general I find it to be a total time suck, and since I have no self-control, it's a bad idea for me! :-)

    1. Facebook and all its privacy issues scare me somewhat. I'm not sure I trust them with my birthday, high school, location, names of family/friends . . eek. And I understand the time suck! Thankfully I can go for days or weeks without visiting goodreads and pinterest because I don't follow anyone's activities too closely (nor they mine). instagram may end up being a different story . .

  4. I use tumblr, blogs, FB, twitter, flickr. youtube and 500px. I'm on linkedIn, Instagram, meetup and g+ but don't use them.

    1. You've got a wide range of platforms there . . and some I've never heard of! I didn't even think of including accounts I don't use any more . . I have a myspace account floating out there still that I haven't used in years.

  5. I have a personal Facebook account but I only check it occasionally. I hate to lose touch with long-lost friends forever, but they're all probably mad because I don't log on to acknowledge their birthdays! Even my sister will say, "Didn't you know that? I posted it on Facebook." I just barely started a goodreads account but it needs a lot of "populating" with books before it's up to speed. The last time I checked Instagram, there was no option for private photos or selective sharing - has that changed? I tried a Twitter account but discovered I had nothing to say in that format! I like other people on Pinterest but haven't been inspired to create an account - it's counter-intuitive to me because I don't think in groups of images, so it would feel like work to me!

    1. I understand! I'm one of the few people in my circle of family/friends who doesn't have a Facebook and so I'm often out of the loop because people assume that since they shared it on Facebook, everyone knows. Personally, half the fun of sharing my news with someone is their reaction, so it would be tough for me to share things on Facebook and not be able to see everyone's responses.

      I used to keep paper lists of the books I read each year, so I'm still in the process of slowing adding old books on goodreads too. It's just so tedious.

      Yes, instagram allows you to stay private or only share photos with specified users now. :) My page is open for anyone to view, so I plan to share photos that aren't too personal, like I do on the blog.

  6. I use facebook, instagram, twitter and pinterest for my blog, but mostly concentrate on facebook and instagram because I love posting photos :) For personal use I mostly use facebook but I do have a Twitter and Linkedin as well.

    I spend most of my day sitting at a computer working on my thesis, and am in charge of my own time, so am pretty addicted to Facebook. I wonder if that will change when I get a "real" job.

    1. I like the idea of concentrating your efforts on specific sites. Very smart considering no one has unlimited hours for it.

      There were plenty of employees at my office who were super upset when Facebook was banned by our work network so there may be more Facebook check-ins than you imagine even at a "real" job ;)

  7. I use Twitter and Pinterest, although I have just deactivated my Twitter for MTP (I had two accounts for two blogs - not simple!) I did use Good Reads but deleted my account. I don't use Facebook at all.
    I love Pinterest although limit my time on it because it makes me want to buy stuff :)

    1. I used to spend a lot more time on Pinterest. Now that I can pin recipes right from the blog I find them on (rather than visiting Pinterest) I don't spend more than a minute on Pinterest most weeks. You're right - it's very tempting to buy stuff!

  8. Never used goodreads, and after being told my personal twitter account was hacked, I thought 'good riddance' as I'd not used it. I did start FB for the blog, but since going off the free wordpress, it's too hard to publish links to content, and I think 'why bother'. And I've never got into instagram, seeing photos can easily go on FB, and I don't really 'get' filters - a nice photo is a nice photo :p

    PS I'm not really a cat person... hence I skipped over this post when i first saw it. I know, all my readers seem to be cat people...

    1. You do have a lot of cat people reading your blog! If you prefer, there's a dog version of that picture too:
      http://www.littleblackdogsocialmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Social_Media_Explained_DOGS_6_27_13.png :)


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