Cat + Blankets

I keep a big pile of blankets out all winter so Mr. G and I can layer up as needed when we're on the couch. Dottie enjoys sleeping on my lap, so she'll crawl under the blankets when she lays with me. And this is what happened when she was finished with snuggling. I love those eyes!

linking up for wordless Wednesday


  1. Too cute. Look really comfy! Happy WW.

  2. Very cozy! Does she use the cat climber?

    1. Yes, both of them love it! They lay on the "riser" parts toward the top to look outside and sleep inside the little house part in the middle. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! I'll be over to see your cutie tomorrow :)

  4. Awwww... what a sweetie! I find that my cats all seem to have differing "rules" when it comes to blankets. Some are burrowers, and when I've got one like that I have to be careful not to just plop down on a random blanket lest I end up squishing the cat. Others are "tent lovers" and love to be under the covers as long as mommy creates a space with her legs so the blanket isn't actually touching them. I used to have a very picky "tent cat" who loved to sleep under the covers with me but demanded tents and would get grumpy and start to bite of I had the audacity to fall asleep and let the blanket actually touch her!

    1. Too funny! I love how particular cats are - and about things you would think they'd have no opinion on! I love that you try to make them happy :) Thankfully Dottie is a snuggle bug without or without the tent feature.

      And both I and my other cat, Capone have accidentally sat on her while she's been under blankets, eek! She was fine, but I felt so guilty afterwards.

  5. Dottie is a beautiful colour. What a serious face she has in this photo! Looks like she doesn't want to share the blankets.

    1. Thank you! :) Yeah, her gaze is very intense, isn't it?


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