What I've Been Eating . .

This series, wherein I feature recipes from other blogs that I've made and enjoyed, is an idea that I completely ripped off from Kiersten at ohmyveggiesShe does one every Friday.
I originally saw this over at cleaneatingveggiegirl. I didn't have bell pepper, so I used celery; I didn't have chili powder or cumin, so I used cayenne (whew - and I paid for that choice with a burning tongue!); I didn't have vegan sausage, so I added an egg at the very end and it turned out kinda like vegetable fried rice. All those changes - and it was still delicious! (Oh, and when I ate my second helping, I poured tomato sauce over the top, and that took the heat down a notch.)

Uhh, tomato sauce and some vegetables? Okay, you caught me - this isn't really a recipe. But it was yummy and I figured this is as good as place as any to include it. These were leftovers - pasta, corn, carrots, green beans, and tomato sauce - but so good, and a great way to use up all those random veggies I have hanging out in my fridge.

Baked Gnocchi & Cheese from the cutting edge of ordinary - yum! (My alternate name: Cheesy Pillows of Goodness.) For the most part, I followed the recipe, except I added turmeric (hence the yellow color) and used swiss, provolone, and parmesan cheese because I could find vegetarian versions of them. It's definitely rich though, so I'd recommend serving it with something lighter (I had it with broccoli and salad).

And I made one of my favorite soups - Vegetarian Olive Garden's Chicken & Gnocchi soup, but I used kale instead of spinach and added shredded cauliflower to thicken it up (Mr. Giraffe couldn't even tell it was there - I love sneaking vegetables in like that!). I must be on a gnocchi kick or something . . 

Cooked anything good lately?

linking up with Marvelous Mondays


  1. Oh wow...this all looks so good! And after the Thanksgiving Feasts I had, I should not be hungry, but these are tempting me!

    1. There's always room for a little more, right? Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. My quessadillas got much interest at work today! I like your version of cauliflower rice becoming fried rice - I've used it before with some thai curry paste and cooked pumpkin, and it was tasty (and also a little spicy!). I love ghocchi too - I'll add it to next week's menu (though the BF isn't as in love with as I am :()

    1. Ooh, I love quesadillas :) Cooked pumpkin sounds like a yummy addition (and I have pumpkin on hand), I'll have to try that!


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