School Lunch & Friday's Feature Film - YUCK

When I attended school, I almost always brought my lunch from home. (I don't remember the school lunches being terrible, I just wasn't interested in buying.) Favorite meals included peanut butter and apple jelly sandwich or peanut butter and fluff sandwich. The peanut butter had to be crunchy!
Side items might include graham crackers, raw carrots or celery (noticing a crunchy theme?), and a cookie. I also had a Barbie thermos with a lid that doubled as a cup. I thought this feature was the coolest thing ever - sometimes I even put my pinkie finger in the air when I drank from it.
And speaking of lunch, Joanna featured this trailer a few days ago about a boy living in New York City who buys a school lunch every day for a few months and takes a video of the food. He compares the food to what the school lunch menus states. There are plenty of times the menu mentions a food, but it is absent from his footage - not sure if that means he didn't take it, wasn't offered it, or the cafeteria had run out of that side. But I did find it oddly suspicious that it's usually the veggies that are missing . . 

Here's the trailer:
You can watch the full movie here (it's less than 20 minutes).

Did you pack a lunch? What were your school lunches like?


  1. As a boarder, I was lucky to get hot lunches - most Australians 'brown bag' it (though we don't even call it that - and we don't have fluff, we really ARE backward :p). We had all sorts of things, my fondest memory was of pizza pockets - mmmm. What else did we get? Lots of sherpherd's pie and meat dishes with rice. Not very imaginative usually.

    1. No fluff?! It's basically marshmallow in spreadable form.

      I remember the first time I had shepherd's pie. It was all mushed together and one of my friends told me it was like a treasure hunt - I should poke through the mashed potatoes and look for "treasure" (the chunks of meat or veggies). Bleh!

  2. What a fun post. I forgot about Fluffer Nutter! We used to love that stuff, which is most likely one of the worst things to eat! Hahaha.

    Great post.

    1. Yeah, I haven't had Fluff in years, but it's pretty much pure sugar! mmmm!

  3. What a fun post. I forgot about Fluffer Nutter! We used to love that stuff, which is most likely one of the worst things to eat! Hahaha.

    Great post.

  4. I took peanut butter sandwiches to school every day - sometimes with apple jelly or honey. I was amazed when I lived in the US and kids were served Fluffernutter sandwiches! I felt sorry for my kid who was never allowed to take peanut butter to school. I understand the problem; but I don't know how I would have survived without it!

    1. Yay - another apple jelly fan! Were you amazed in a good or bad way by the fluffernutter sandwiches? ;)

      No peanut butter allowed?! I don't think I'd have survived either.

  5. I took my lunch, and sometimes my mother put leftovers in a thermos for me, but mostly peanut butter and jelly. I didn't try a Fluffernutter until I moved to the US from Canada. Yum! In the fourth grade we lived in Texas for a year, and I ate at the cafeteria for the first time. I was intrigued by the compartmentalized trays.

    1. That's a big move! I'm not a good candidate for those trays, haha. I always end up mixing the food together anyways.

  6. Thanks for linking the video, so much Fun to watch! When I was a Kid, School ended at noon, so I had Lunch at home. But mom always packed something for the Break, bread with cheese or ham. Pretty boring! This marshmallow fluff looks really funny, I am sure I would have loved that...

    1. Cool! We had half days sometimes so the teachers could work in the afternoons, and I loved getting home early.

  7. Great mini documentary. He has more skills and savvy-ness than I had by university.

    1. Agreed - I can't believe he's only in fourth grade!

  8. I'm also in Australia where we don't have school lunches and most student bring theirs from home. You can often get lunch orders from the local shop, but most kids only get them occasionally. We lived in the US for a year when I was a kid and we still brought our lunches from home because we didn't like how noisy the hot lunch room was :)

    Thanks for sharing the video, it sounds really interesting and I will check it out :)

    1. That's interesting. Kids can't leave school during the day in the US, so buying from local shops wouldn't be an option. It's interesting how different lunch setups can be!


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