Agreed! (And what a pretty way to express this sentiment.) I have put off dusting (and cleaning in general) in favor of other activities so many times. And I think it's totally worth it. ;)
I love that this is making the rounds just as I'm undertaking my spring cleaning. (Mind you, I haven't done a REAL spring cleaning in a couple of years, so it's about time.) I do love the format; it's enough to inspire me to put it off another year or so! ;-)
I don't know how deep of a spring cleaning I've ever done . . like the outside of my house's windows haven't been cleaned since we moved in (3 years ago - ha).
I love Olive Garden's Chicken Gnocchi Soup. Love, love love! In the past, I would gladly eat two bowls of it, about 5 breadsticks, and take my whole meal home! But I've had to skip it since becoming vegetarian and that sucks. So I found a copycat recipe online , and tweaked it to make it vegetarian. (I am so grateful for copycat sites!) Surprisingly enough (not), the original recipe calls for chicken ... I added boiled potatoes to take their place. You could probably cook the potatoes right in the soup - just make sure to add them early enough that they finish cooking before everything else goes soft. That might be too much potato in one soup for some people (is that even possible?). :) You could bump up the amounts of the gnocchi or other veggies in the recipe, or add corn, bell peppers, or soy "chicken" if the extra potatoes don't float your boat. Any other ideas for taking the place of the chicken? Start by chopp...
Happy Friday! I'm so ready to sleep in tomorrow :) Have anything fun planned? Mr. Giraffe and I recently had a date night and went out to dinner. My appetizer was nothing to write home about, but my salad? Amazing! Houlihan's bills it as the Asian Chicken Chop Chop Salad, so I used one of my vegetarian eating-out tricks and asked for the chicken on a separate plate. (Mr. G gave the chicken two thumbs up.) Unfortunately, at $15, it wasn't the most affordable meal, but I plan to make it at home for much cheaper. It's lettuce, cabbage, carrots, snow peas, bell pepper, jicama, peanuts, sesame seeds, and wonton strips or tortilla strips. All fairly normal (except the jicama - this was my first time trying it, tastes like a raw potato), but I never would've thought to combine them myself. (The asparagus was part of my husband's meal that he kindly gifted to me.) I didn't sample the salad dressing - see more of my weird food aversions here - but it was s...
Soup is one of my favorite foods (alongside rice) and such a versatile food that I never get sick of it. So I'm always on the look out for new soup recipes or ideas. (One I'm not sure I have the gumption to try - cold soup . Have you had it?) Enter this Chickpeas & Dumplings soup by Kiersten. my small first helping - it smelled strongly of thyme and I wasn't sure I'd like it! It's the vegetarian version of Chicken & Dumplings soup, one of my top 5 favorites. We had almost all the ingredients on hand, so I made this the day she posted it. It was amazing! Even Mr. G, who was pretty certain he didn't like dumplings, loved this soup. The first picture is when I had just dropped in the dumplings. Second picture is 20 minutes of simmering later. So cool! I made a few small changes to the recipe: left out the chickpeas because we didn't have any in the pantry (thought about substituting edamame in their place, but the soup was hear...
That is a very good poem to live by!
ReplyDeleteI love that this is making the rounds just as I'm undertaking my spring cleaning. (Mind you, I haven't done a REAL spring cleaning in a couple of years, so it's about time.) I do love the format; it's enough to inspire me to put it off another year or so! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI don't know how deep of a spring cleaning I've ever done . . like the outside of my house's windows haven't been cleaned since we moved in (3 years ago - ha).
Deletewe all go from dust to dust eventually. it's what happens in between that counts. ;-)