Monkey See, Monkey Do

Mr. G and I are amused by our cats all the time. And sometimes, we just look at each other and shake our heads because their antics make that much sense. But Monkey in particular seems to copy every strange thing she sees another cat doing.

This spring's been a blustery one (the word blustery always reminds me of Winnie the Pooh) and after our front mat was blown into the bushes two days in a row, we brought it inside to wait for calmer weather. Dottie was immediately drawn to it and happily scratched it and lounged on it for a bit. 

When she was done, Monkey had to follow with an inspection of her own.

Dottie loves bags - so does Monkey.

Oh, Capone likes to sleep on the back of this couch? Monkey'll do the same.

Dottie loves to relax on my yoga mat. Monkey gave it whirl too.

Here's one of her original ideas. Play with the bathmat by putting both paws underneath! Hmm.
Do your pets copy each other? 


  1. OMG... Monkey is ADORABLE! Well, they all are. It's interesting that you have 2 ginger cats who are both females. I've read that orange cats are almost always male - something about the positioning of the genes.

    Anyhow, looks to me like Monkey wants to play "mouse under the mat" which is one of Smoky's favorite games!

    1. Isn't she?! And that fluffy tail just sends me over the edge!

      I've heard the same about ginger cats! The vet always remarks on it too.

      Monkey is the only cat I've seen "play" with carpets (and tear them up, of course). Maybe I should try putting a mouse underneath to see if she plays with that rather than the rug. Meanwhile Dottie is actually afraid of that rug and won't even walk on it!

    2. My kids love it if I make the kitty fishing lure go under a rug... they go wild!

    3. I'll have to try that - I bet Monkey will enjoy it too!

  2. I can see where the expression "copy cat" comes from! I love Monkey's white ruff around the chest...and especially the photo of her in the bag! How cute!

    We came within an inch of getting two cats for J's birthday. In the end, the only thing that stopped us was someone on Facebook pointing out that our downstairs area (where we'd keep them indoors by day) has lots of vertical blinds. I suspect the cats would have a party scrambling up the blinds all day while we're at work.

    Your cats really are adorable!

    1. I bet you're right about copy cat - I never thought of that either! She loved that bag, too. We kept out for about a week (until it was torn to shreds) and we'd catch in there several times a day.

      I do wonder what my cats do when no one's home. Vertical blinds would probably get a special place in their heart :)

  3. Beautiful photos. The one of Monkey in the paper bag in the paper bag is especially adorable. No pets here anymore

    Love your yoga mat, by the way.

    1. Aww, thank you! My first yoga mat was a plain purple one and I splurged on that fancy decorated one this time around since I knew I'd use it . . so glad I did!

  4. Cute photos!
    I don't have cats, but our dogs copy each other. Mostly it seems like they are competing with each other. If one dog is sleeping on the dog bed, the other one wants to sleep on that bed but it's not until they see each other doing it that they want to.

    1. haha, sounds like our nephews! They only want a specific toy if they see someone else playing with it first.

  5. My cats compete with each other, too. They usually vie for a particular place to sleep that the other has already taken. One of my cats likes rugs, too, and will tussle over and under them.

    1. Ahh yes, my cats all seem to want to sleep in my lap once another one has gotten comfy there! And Dottie is the only one who will sleep in a cat bed so it's hard to "encourage" them to sleep in certain spaces!

  6. Our neighbor cat does a version of the back of the sofa thing ~ he squishes himself onto the top of a chair on our porch ~ sometimes he will rotate to look into our window, even when the blinds are closed . . .

    1. haha, that is so weird! I like to think the seat part of a chair is more comfortable, but what do I know?


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