In the Garden: October 2014

Last garden update of 2014 - crazy! 

The strawberries have completely covered the bottom edge of the left garden bed. I'm hoping that means an even better harvest next year. 

Very little still growing, food wise - just the beans and my volunteer tomato.

But the flowers continue to fare exceptionally well, the marigolds and zinnias in particular. (This is my first year growing marigolds from seed. I usually just buy plants, and they always do well, maybe doubling or so in size. But this bush blows my mind.) 
The black eyed Susans out front are dead and shriveled, though I can't bring myself to cut them down just yet. I'll probably wait another week or two to start the cold weather prep.

How's your garden? 


  1. still haven't started gardening.. i feel i just don't have enough time to do them justice.. fingers crossed for next year..
    mmm picking strawberries in your backyard.. if that doesn't get one to garden i don't know what will

    1. I think the strawberries are my favorites! :)

  2. My marigolds did incredibly well this year too. If you harvest the seeds once the flowers die you'll have oodles for next year!

    1. Ooh, didn't know they could be harvested - thanks!

  3. Love the warm colours.

  4. I have enjoyed following your garden this year!

  5. I'll be interested to see what happens over winter in the garden...your climate is so different to ours! I've never grown Marigolds but I think I will try them after seeing your photos. Such beautiful, vibrant colours. :)

    1. Marigolds are the best! Super easy to grow too - I'm terrible at remembering to water them but they always thrive despite my neglect.

      Sadly, everything in the garden will probably be dead by mid-November (they're all annuals except the strawberries). Those hard frosts are tough! I'll take another photo when it's all covered in snow and pretty :)


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