Transformation Photos

One of the women I follow on instagram occasionally posts "Transformation Tuesdays." This is one of my favorites:
Impressive and inspiring! I love how stunning a visual her progress makes. 

I know I've improved since I started yoga just from being able to reach a bit further or hold a pose longer, but both are difficult to quantify. So I took some pictures of myself in various yoga poses . . kinda like the one I took in tree pose a couple months ago.
And in another few months, I'll take some more and see if I notice anything. It also got my wheels spinning . . how else could I use this? Wouldn't it be nice if the bank put all the money from my retirement account in a big stack and sent me a photo of all that cash? :)


  1. Very cool and very inspiring! My mind is reeling thinking of ways I could use this to inspire myself. Hmmm...

  2. I love how the yoga pose has progressed! Shows hard work and determination!

    I think if I did the photos thing, there wouldn't be much change. :(

    1. And it took her four years to get to that final picture - a good reminder for someone like me who likes things to move a little faster :)

  3. Totally agree! I tend to think of goal update posts as progress markers. Also things like your chart for additional mortgage payments. Visuals can be very strong motivators for some people.

    1. Yes! I must be one of those visual people because this is so powerful to me.

  4. Photos are so much better for this - I track a lot of data daily and monthly for work, and it's so good in this last week to see a noticable dip (though naturally I'm beating myself up that the dip couldn't have come prior to Monday's crisis meeting!!)

    I often think photos of the seasonal changes shown together would be lovely - say from a window at work even. Cheap but moving art!

  5. I really like this idea - I've been really slack with yoga lately and haven't been for about two months. I can feel it in my lack of flexibility - plus I think if I tried to do a tree pose I'd fall over :) Looking forward to seeing your progress :)

    1. Tree pose must be one of my yoga teacher's favorites - she makes us practice it every class! But I have to admit that's why I've gotten so much better at it. I hope I have some good progress to share :)

  6. Arrgh - my phone keeps eating comments that I try to leave. OK, take 2 this time on the laptop.

    I love the idea of visual goal monitoring. It is just amazing to see the 4 year goal progress encapsulated in 4 small thumbnails like that. It's funny - so concise, yet so telling as to all the hard work that went into it over 4 long years!

    Haha - love the idea of photographing the retirement stash and watching it grow :)

    1. How frustrating. So sorry!

      Yes, it's crazy to think 4 years of work went into that photo collage! I really hope this photo method continues to work for me (it's helped me get to 2 classes already).


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