In the Garden: September 2014

Usually my garden is winding down in September (the cucumbers are certainly finished). We've already had cool nights in the 50s (10-15° C) so I know the end is near. But! I have bean plants and strawberries that aren't ready to call it quits. 

The strawberries I planted are some odd variety that produce fruit twice per season (I had no idea they even existed until I started to notice a lot of fruit on my plants and looked it up). They've put out a ton of runners this season so I think the harvest will be even better in 2015!

And the bean plants I planted in late July are still growing. No signs of bean pods yet though. I knew I would be cutting it close by planting mid-season, so next year I will definitely plant them in the spring.

Check out this volunteer tomato plant - it's growing out the side vent on the compost bin!
It has 8 green tomatoes on the vine, ha! Mr. G is pumped.

Oh, and while this isn't from my garden, it fits nicely here:  I bought a crate of honeycrisp apples over the weekend (our favorite). No plans for applesauce or pie are in my future. We'll just be eating these as snacks. 

How's your garden faring? Do you have a favorite apple?


  1. Ha! Gotta love "free" plants that grow from compost. So unexpected and cheering! Bet the tomatoes taste lovely.

    Never heard of that variety of apples. So googled them. They sound like great eating.

    1. Yes, free is the best! It's quite hardy too, doing well although I haven't watered it all summer.

      I think honey crisp apples are fairly new - I never had them as a kid.

  2. Those strawberries look good - I've only ever managed to grow one lonely strawberry in my garden. I've also never heard of Honey Crisp Apples, except on other people's blogs. They do sound nice though. My favourite type of apple is Sundowner, but they're often expensive here.

    1. I've never heard of Sundowner, but I read that they're related to Pink Ladies (also expensive), another one of my favs!

  3. your garden is looking good.. yay for strawberries!
    I'm a Delicious Red kinda girl

    1. Thanks! I eat Red Delicious sliced very thin and dipped in peanut butter, mmm :)

  4. You've had a good garden season! I am looking forward to this year's honey crisps, too!

    1. They're delicious! Better than I remember :)

  5. I've never heard of Honey Crisps here but Pink Ladies are one of my favourites, too.

    Love seeing your garden pics - very relaxing somehow to see all that green!

    1. Honey crisp are usually only available in September-October, while Pink Ladies are around all winter so I enjoy those when the honey crisp season ends. :)

  6. So envious of your garden...

    I mistakely order 3 bags of apples rather than three apples a little while ago. Gosh I loved those weeks of applesauce I made mmm I could almost live on applesauce with cinnamon.

    1. haha, what a mistake! :) My husband loves applesauce with cinnamon too.

  7. strawberries. nice! next year, we'll add cosmos I hope. we finally put daisies in the ground but it may have been root-bound waiitng too long. next year we're up to mulch.

    1. The cosmos really surprised me this year. They're as tall as me! Daisies sound lovely :)


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