Me + Poison Ivy

On a recent walk through the woods, one portion of the path was badly overgrown. The smart thing to do would have been to turn around and go back the way I came. Unfortunately, I didn't do the smart thing. I just continued walking, brushing vines out of my way as I went. 

A little while later, at home, my face starting itching. Must be a bug bite, I thought. Until I looked in the bathroom mirror and realized I had a rash that looked an awful lot like poison ivy. Spoiler alert: it was poison ivy. 


Thankfully the internet was here to save me with all kinds of recommendations (and provide me with frightening photographs - never google pictures of rashes). 

I started out with some home based remedies (aloe and honey both reduced the itching), but eventually I branched out to the heavy hitters - medicated scrub and calamine lotion. 
It took about a week, but everything cleared up, and my face and arms look normal again. Plus I can now identify poison ivy like a pro. (yay!) But I'll be sticking to the sidewalk for a while. 

Have you ever had poison ivy?


  1. Unfortunately, I did google it (before the bit about not googling!) It looks *awful*. I really hope you didn't have the worst effects (big blisters.)

    We don't have poison ivy here but we still use Calamine lotion for ant bites. Calamine is the best!

    1. I'm sorry - should've put the warning at the beginning! :) Mine wasn't a terrible case; my blisters were about the size of a mole or so. I didn't know calamine worked on ant bites. Good to know!

  2. Oh no! I'm glad you're feeling better now. I've never had poison ivy either, but it always sounded horrible in books!

  3. So our bush might be full of deadly snakes and spiders, but at least we don't have poisonous plants!

    I'm itching in sympathy!

  4. Actually, when I went to Cairns, I discovered there's this heart shaped leaf on a plant, that has a horrible stinging effect, more or less for ever - certainly a long time, and no known cure! Seriously!! So whilst Australia doesn't have poison ivy, and I haven't experienced it like all your other Aussie commenters, this vine scared the heck out of us... even if a leaf falls on you!

    1. What?! That's a crazy plant! I'd be scared of it too (just like I should've been with the poison ivy!).

  5. Luckily we don't have poison ivy here although I was always careful to avoid it when I lived in Massachusetts. Owww!

    1. Yes! I definitely learned my lesson and plan to be more cautious in the future!

  6. yikes! that does not sound fun. My husband had a similar recent incident. he was trimming the shrubs in our front yard and while it was not poison ivy he ended up developing a rash on both his arms, neck and legs.. thank god it wasn't itchy but it was red and not fun.

    1. Not being able to scratch it drove me crazy!

  7. Yikes! I've had poison ivy twice. NOT FUN! So happy it cleared up quickly for you. Calamine is the best stuff ever :)

    1. Me too! Agreed, the calamine felt so nice going on :)


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