
Mr. G and I love going out to eat. It's a little break from cooking and cleaning, and we enjoy the chance to talk. (Meals at restaurants last longer than meals at home, so I feel like we talk more.) But since we don't have unlimited funds, we usually skip dessert. 

So imagine our surprise when we broke tradition to order a scoop of ice cream and this came to our table . . 

I think the official name was French vanilla ice cream with peanut butter swirl. The official taste was YUM.

When did desserts get so big?!

linking up for wordless Wednesday


  1. We don't usually order desserts either - too full up - but will sometimes go out for desserts-only!

  2. We have to weigh several things: if we get appetizers, we don't get dessert (mostly because we're not hungry anymore by dessert if we do), how large/heavy of a meal are we eating, and how late is dinner running (ahem, babysitter). Is it weird to put that much thought into it? LOL. I guess just because American meals (and, as you note, desserts) have grown so large, we don't subscribe to the necessity to eat everything or to always treat ourselves to dessert.

    That said, if we hit up one of our favorite locavore joints on rare occasion, we eat little during the day and prepare to consume not just the food but an experience. So, yeah, we get the dessert. ;-)

    1. Oh, I definitely wouldn't have room for appetizer, dinner, and dessert either. I usually stick with eating an appetizer, taking most of my dinner home to eat as leftovers, and skipping dessert. It's cool that you have a place worth getting super hungry for :)

  3. Mmmm delicious!

    We go out for dessert sometimes, mostly gelato, as something like going out for dinner, but instead. I don't mind ordering dessert at resturants, but often the BF doesn't feel like it... so we don't, and it's probably better for my health!

    1. I really like this idea of going out just for dessert - especially so I don't have an entire cake or whatever at home, tempting me to finish it up.

  4. That's the biggest dessert I've ever seen! I'm not a big dessert eater and so have an appetiser is we're having two courses.

    1. Yeah, it was massive. It would've been tough to finish even if we hadn't had dinner.

  5. What a monster!!! How did you even start at it?

    Dinner lasts longer for us too when we eat out - time for conversation rather than running off to other jobs or the TV. And we join the non-dessert orderers. That's because we mainly eat at Asian or Indian restaurants and don't like their desserts, or because we are full. But if we eat Italian or modern Australian or a fancy restaurant, I am tempted to have an entree and dessert. I normally like those courses better than the mains!

    1. I agree, we rarely linger over our meals at home - we eat, and then it's on to errands/cleaning/laundry, etc. And my husband rarely says no to dessert at Italian places too, probably because I don't make tiramisu or cheesecake at home, haha.


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