Crazy Yoga Pants

Yoga doesn't really require any special gear - just comfy clothes and a mat. So I've been getting by just fine with track pants (the plastic-y, swoosh-y sounding kind) and tank tops. But as the weather warmed up, I switched to my workout capris and found my track pants had been holding me back. I can stretch further when my clothing is elastic and fitted.

So I splurged on "real" yoga pants. (I also bought a plain black pair, but those don't make for a very exciting photo opportunity.)
Oops - off-center photo - I put the camera on a ten second timer and hoped for the best. :)

Splurged on anything lately?


  1. I love those! So fun and flattering! I tend to splurge on clothes when I get them (which isn't often!) since they can go a long way in boosting my confidence/self esteem and quality clothing tends to last longer.

    1. Thank you! These boosted my confidence enough to wear skin tight clothing in public, so I agree! I hope they last a long time :)

  2. Splurged...splurged...hmm. A Target trip without a list ended up being quite the splurge, although it was mostly made of undies for the guys, LOL. Love the pants! Do you do a particular at-home yoga workout or are you a yoga genius who just remembers all the moves? :-)

    1. I splurge on my hubby more than on myself too :)

      I (still) consider myself a yoga beginner :) I DVR a yoga show and do some online videos when I'm in the mood. I love this class: (look at the bottom for more links to his classes) and this website lets you watch videos for free without signing up:

  3. ooooh, i loooove those pants!! they are so cute!

    i recently picked up some new work out clothes, and they have made me more motivated to go to the gym because they are cute and bright. My old workout clothes were getting pretty worn out. it's a real treat to have work out clothes i actually like and feel good in!

    1. You're right, I couldn't wait to put these on and bust out a few moves when these arrived. Just another reason these were a great buy :)

  4. They're wonderful! So tell me.... I've never seen yoga pants that cover part of the foot. Do you know what the reason is for that? I just do my yoga in stretchy shorts that I got at the Salvation Army for about a dollar 15 years ago!

    1. I think the extra fabric is meant to keep the leg portions in place, but I'm not entirely sure. Wow, what a great purchase - stretchy shorts that have lasted 15 years!!

    2. Or maybe they're just made for really tall people! :-)

  5. Your yoga pants are great and you look very fit! I bought new workout tops lately and it really brightens up my mood when getting ready to work out.

    1. Thank you! Isn't it great how a little thing like a new top can cheer you up? :)

  6. They look great and certainly beat my boring black ones!

    1. Thanks! I bought a plain black pair too. I'm hoping they can double as another pair of pants if I wear them with a long cardigan :)

  7. haha those are really cute! I worked out in sweats and hoodies forever and i finally pulled the trigger and bought some running gear and it's amazing how much better one becomes at whatever they are doing.

    1. Thanks :) They definitely help me stretch further!

  8. Gorgeous! Cat in the Hat type crazy pants.

    And you have lovely legs. Definitely able-to-be-seen-in-public-in-tights legs.

    BTW, your off-centre photo is actually good. You've kept to the rule of thirds! Well done.

    1. Cat in the Hat crazy pants - that's perfect, haha!

      Aww, you're sweet! What a happy accident that my photo is following the rules. :)


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