Changing Time Zones

I'm writing this on Sunday night, after getting in from the airport late last night (about 3 am because of weather delays), and regretting my decision to go immediately back to work tomorrow. Here's a time zone map to illustrate my plight:

I live in the yellow area, and every vacation I've ever taken has been in the yellow area (except a 3 day weekend in Texas). On the other hand, my husband has traveled quite a bit, and even been deployed to areas 2-10 time zones away. He adjusted without a problem -  but I was tired by dinnertime for the first week or so of vacation. It was like Daylight Savings Time but more intense. Here's hoping I adjust back quicker than expected!

Does jet lag bother you?


  1. I generally take a day per hour change, unless I don't sleep at all during travel; that messes up my sleep pattern so much that I adapt faster.

    1. I wish I had thought of that! Next time I travel off the East Coast, I think I'll try to adjust my schedule a little before I go so I can enjoy my vacation time a little more :)

  2. Ha! Well, here's my approach: Don't go any further from home than you can get on your bike! Just joking, but seriously, I haven't been on a plane in over 20 years. Not sure how I'd cope at this point!

    Hope you're feeling better soon. :-)

    1. Thanks Cat! I think your bedtime/wake up schedule might be a little less regimented than mine which would probably help too (it helped Mr. G). ;)

  3. It got me on our trip to Vancouver, but the East Coast is fine. I feel tired but not lagged.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thanks Laura! At least now I know for next time!

  4. Hope you made it through those first few days of work ok. It's a bit of a killer to come straight back from vacation into work (even without the time-zone change!)

    1. I yawned a lot on Monday! Today was better. Thankfully it's a short week (holiday on Thursday & Friday to celebrate 4th of July, our Independence Day) and many people are on vacation!

  5. we've done an 11 hour time change with a toddler.. trick is to not give in to the sleep and try to stick to your regular routine as much as you can, you'll make a quicker recovery. good luck

    1. Thanks, I'll have to do that next time!

  6. I have no advice on how to get over jet lag. I feel jet lagged after a day's travel, even if we haven't changed time zones. Always feel I waste a day recovering, so better it is wasted at work - if you can get away without having to make decisions or do things that involve much thought!

    1. Yes, at least I picked a good week to be tired at work. 4th of July is a big holiday (our Independence Day) so I only have to work 3 days - yippee!


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