First Garden Update of 2014

It's hard to believe that my garden bed looked like this a couple months ago . .

But now it's looking pretty good. 
We decided to build another bed this year in hopes of growing more plants in general, but also adding some perennials like strawberries. I'm so grateful to Mr. G for building it for me! He bought three 8 foot long boards (2.4 meters), cut one in half, and screwed them together like a giant frame. It's a good size for me because I still have easy access to the middle.

He finished right after Easter, so I planted the strawberries and potatoes then, and got around to all the seeds this past weekend since we have officially passed our last frost date! :)
(I'm taking pictures from the opposite angle this year so the compost bin won't get in the way.)

And somewhat related to gardening, we gave Mr. G's mom a flower pot full of annuals for Mother's Day. Hopefully she enjoys them!

Are you planting a garden this year? 


  1. Isn't it amazing how quickly plants grow? All that grass! Can't wait to see your strawberries.

    1. I love that sudden pop of GREEN when you scroll past the first picture. :) This is my first year growing strawberries, so I have my fingers crossed!

  2. They are perfect sized garden beds! You can grow a lot there. I'm endlessly intrigued at the extremes in climate there. It's fantastic that you were still getting out to walk in all that snow!

    1. I'm hoping it'll be a good gardening year! :) I think I prefer walking in cooler/cold temperatures. Of course it's easy to say that when my ears and eyeballs aren't on fire from the cold wind. We had a 80° F (27° C) day earlier this week and it was such a shock to my body! So glad it's back down in the 60s now (15-21°C).

  3. What perfect garden beds, and good access all around - wishing you a good harvest!

    1. Thanks Dar! I took the little raised bed idea from the square foot garden method and it's worked out well. :)


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