Turtle Tango

As I was driving home from work last week, I saw something weird in the road. At the last second (as I was about to pass it), I realized it was an upside down turtle.

So I pulled over and ran out to pick it up. Since I didn't know which side of the road the turtle wanted to be on (and I didn't want him to have to brave another crossing if I picked the wrong side), I took him with me. He rode home on my lunch box lid.

And met Dottie. Clearly the highlight of this turtle's year.

Then I took the turtle outside and put him by the body of water (is it a pond? is it a swamp?) behind my house. He thought about it for a minute, then charged in and disappeared below the water. Awesome!

Have you had any recent encounters with the wild ones?


  1. Haven't seen a turtle since I was a teenager and lived near a creek. But I have seen the following near my home (I live near bush and walk through it regularly): a lyre bird, echidnas, eels, lots of different parrots, possums, lots of other birds.

    Turtles are amazing creatures. Love how they pull their head in.

    1. How neat that you get to see so much close to home! Eels?! Oh my. I've only seen them in aquariums. We have possums here too, but I don't come across them often.

      Turtles are so cool! I've also thought of them as so calm because they're so slow, but this one was in a hurry once I set him down. :)

  2. I have seen turtles and snapping turtles, but not recently. My latest spottings were a hawk and a pheasant.

    1. Thank goodness this wasn't a snapping turtle! My dad said it was probably a slider.

      A pheasant!! How awesome - I love their tails.

  3. I see lots of things I think are strange in my inner city (an ET doll holding the steering wheel of an old ambulance this morning, the ambulance has not moved, but ET no where to be seen), but not yet a turtle!!

    1. Cities are a great spot to spot weird things - picturing ET behind the wheel is hilarious!


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