Sleepy kitties

I put our white chair cushion outside this weekend while the weather was nice to get some sun (I've heard it helps disinfect and deodorize fabrics). But then a surprise rain shower moved in so I brought the cushion inside and left it on the couch in hopes that the rain would pass. It didn't, but Capone sure enjoyed the new sleep spot (I was surprised he didn't fall off - it must've felt like sleeping on the side of a mountain or something). Dottie played it safe and slept in my lap on the couch.
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linking up for wordless Wednesday


  1. Makes me want to stay home from work and curl up with a blanket!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! They were too cute not to share :)

  3. I love when they cover their little faces with their paws. I become incapable of letting them sleep and simply MUST go kiss them at that point!

  4. ooooooo precious! I have an orange tabby also .... had two at one time but only one left. Best kitties ever!

    1. Thanks! haha, Dottie is my first orange kitty and she's quite a handful compared to how calm Capone is. Love them both though! :)

  5. Jealous of Capone. I want to snuggle up. (But perhaps not on the side of a mountain.)

    1. haha, maybe not. I was surprised he could stay balanced there and fall asleep. He is a good snuggler :)

  6. Beautiful markings in the ginger fur :)

  7. "Capone" is such a cool name for a cat :D

    1. Thank you! I was 19 when I named him and thought a gangster name would be appropriate given his high level of confidence :)


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