A Feathered Visitor

During most snowstorms, we don't see many birds out flying around, so hubby and I were excited to see this guy (and some of his friends) perched on our gutter. They were adorable! I love how they fluff their feathers up and hunker down to cover their feet. :) We're pretty confident he's a tufted titmouse.

Seen any cute bird antics lately?

linking up for wordless Wednesday


  1. So cute! We have been getting birds back too, even though it's still cold and snowy.

    1. Yes, I'm so impressed that they come out in the cold weather! How can they stand it?!

  2. It's been so cold here along the Texas Gulf Coast that we haven't seen as many birds as normal.

    Here's my Wordless Wednesday.

    1. We've had a super cold winter here too and it definitely reduced our bird population. I'll be over to see yours!

  3. Entire flocks of birds tend to land in my yard. I'm not sure why my yard, but they always seem to choose it - maybe it's because I have the biggest tree in the area. Or maybe because I don't have any dogs... or maybe it's because they know I'll be hanging laundry outside and they enjoy target practice!

    The most fun is when you get a flock of crows. They're amazing! And CatMan and I see geese all the time along the bike path - they're soooo cute, and should have babies soon which is always fun.

    1. Birds seem to adore our neighbor's yard and we also don't know why. I think they avoid our yard sometimes because they see the cats at the window. Crows are so funny. I love how noisy they are. I'd love to see baby geese! I bet they're adorable. :)

  4. I love his little round shape and the touches of colour. Quite a beauty!

    1. Yeah, the touches of color are beautiful - I especially like the blue of his wings. :)

  5. I love the snow flurries - still so romantic to this Australian!

    1. I love snow flurries too! A light dusting of snow requires no shoveling and so is always welcome. :)


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