An Invisible Thread

When Dar first mentioned her Reading Down the House challenge, I thought I didn't have any unread books in my house. (I stopped buying books in January of 2012.) But then I started cleaning out my two spare bedrooms and found a book I was given last Christmas (and by last Christmas, I mean 2012. oops!). So guess what's up next on my reading list?  :)

linking up with wordless Wednesday


  1. I look forward to hearing what you think of the book!

  2. You have probably set a record for book bloggers...the person with the smallest TBR!

    Here's my Wordless Wednesday!

    1. haha, I wish that was the only book on my TBR list! I probably have 300 on goodreads . . .

    2. I keep thinking I have to join Goodreads. OK this time I *have* to join and not procrastinate! It would be great for tracking the "Reading Down the House" Challenge just to start with!

    3. Yes, please do! Tracking what books I've read (and want to read) on there has been so fun. And I see that I read wayyy too many kids books, haha ;)

  3. I'm trying to get caught up on what I own, but I keep buying too. I've bought 4 titles in January and read 2 so far. But also, the library books. And what I started last year. I can't imagine how much I have unread.

    1. Yes! I have 3 library books staring at me as well and I'm just not in the mood to read any of them.

  4. The byline leaves me very interested!!

    1. I'm nearly finished and it's been an interesting and super quick read so far :)


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