Where does your cat sleep?

Despite having access to a cushy cat bed, Dottie prefers to sleep on a shopping bag . . 
Anyone else have a cat who sleeps in strange places?


  1. When Lola was a puppy and Andrew would leave the house, she'd sleep on his bag until he came home. Now both dogs like sleeping on piles of blankets. Last night Lola hogged all of the blankets on the couch to sleep on top of. I had to wrestle one away from her just to stay warm!

    1. I feel ya! My other cat, Capone, loves to sleep on blankets (and sometimes he looks so cozy that I hate to wake him up to grab one - I'm a softie).

  2. LOL Yup! All three. :-) The one that I find the most amusing (and, at times, frustrating) is that our soulful guy, Beardslee, will kick my husband out of his big, comfy office chair if he wants to use it during his "prime napping time." (Generally my husband's prime working time, of course.) I've gone into our office many times to see Dave squatting at his desk and a happily slumbering cat wheeled to the side of the room. D'oh!

    1. Yes, of course! Capone loves to sit in a chair at the table - only when we have people over and need all the chairs. I adore the name Beardslee, by the way. :)

  3. Oh, but the sweetest is Jasper's nightly routine of cuddling between Dave and I; you have to lift up the sheets for him to crawl under and pop his head back up. Fluffing the pillow for his head is also appreciated. I think he thinks we're in an open marriage. (Winston sleeps in a basket of clean towels regularly, too; Jasper tries but is far too fat.)

    1. haha what?! That is weird. Will he stay there all night?

      Dottie likes to sleep on piles of laundry too - we dump it on the bed when it comes out of the dryer and she loves to snuggle in.

  4. Mine sleep in the usual places, but they prefer any cardboard boxes that happen to be around.

    1. Ooh, very true. Boxes are a favorite around here too. :)

  5. Love your kitties! Our neighbor cat likes to sleep draped over our porch railing.

    1. Aww thank you! :)

      haha that's so strange . . I hope your porch railings are pretty wide!

  6. She is such a lovely cat :) My landlords have a fairly mangy looking (but affectionate) cat who likes to sleep on my chest with her head right next to mine!


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