How People Find My Blog . .

Inspired by Erin's post over at His and Hers, I thought I'd end the week with a brief (but oddly funny) post about what people type into google to find this little space of the internet (I used google analytics to find this info). Most of the search terms make sense (potato soup, flyers quilt), but some just made me wonder how many pages of results the person must've waded through to finally come across my blog . . 

trader joe's giraffe finding game: No idea what this is in reference to, but I may google this myself to find out!

cauliflower and: And what?! 

yoda sur wii: Star Wars virgin here, so I don't think I've ever mentioned Yoda?

why are potatoes bad for giraffes?: Not sure, but now I'm intrigued . . 

vegetable broth milk: I've been known to search google for random ingredients that I need to use up, so I can kinda understand this one. Still a funny phrase though :)

how do I make giraffe rice?: I dunno, but it sounds difficult.

eat think boom: Guilty - this sounds like a phrase I'd use.

valentine box made to look like a giraffe: oh man, I'm a terrible source for crafts. But this sounds like a cool idea.

Please tell me people also find your blog through (seemingly?) strange searches! :)


  1. Why are potatoes bad for giraffes - that is too funny :) I love reading the search engine terms that people use to find my blog too. The weirdest one lately was "I'm popular online. how can I earn money?"

  2. I once posted a photo of a crochet table cloth that my mother made. Then I started getting hits from people looking for the pattern. Another time I mentioned how in the 1970s, people would put a candle in a wine bottle, especially the Mateus brand (because of the bottle shape), and people often stumble in looking for a photo of that.

    1. It's funny how something you mention once can catch on like that . .

  3. OH my gosh, I'm going to smack this computer silly - I commented and it disappeared! Seems every search re:giraffe comes to you? I get many clicks for Ikea furniture I've listed?! Otherwise, nothing that quirky, sadly.

    1. apparently, haha - and I don't even post about giraffes!

  4. Most of the searches for my site are hidden by Google, but I seem to get quite a few for "gorgeous feet". Not as funny as yours but strange because my feet are awful.

    1. Quite a few of my searches are hidden as well, I'm not sure why that happens. Maybe those foot searchers like your feet :)


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