Tips for packing light

My husband and I are celebrating our anniversary in Daytona Beach this year (yay!) and we're flying there. In an effort to keep our costs down, we're only bringing carry-on luggage - but that can be a challenge for a week-long trip. Here's a few ideas to help you save some space if you're hoping to do the same.
Wear something twice: I can get away with wearing the same bottoms for several days without needing to wash them. Pick something that matches all your tops, like a pair of jeans or a black skirt.

Skip pajamas: Sleep naked, sleep in your underwear, wear the same pajamas the whole week of vacation, whatever. There's a lot of flexibility here and you'll save a decent amount of space. 

Wear your bulky items: You might need something like a winter coat or hiking boots for your trip. If you don't have room for them in your bag, consider wearing them.

Fill your shoes: When I pack sneakers or closed-toe shoes, I fill them with socks to make the most of that space. Depending on the size of your shoes, you might be able to fit other stuff in there, too. 

Wash something while you're there: Some people stay in condos or rent houses just so they can do laundry on the trip. Even if you're staying in a hotel, if you're willing to handwash underwear or bathing suits, you can pack fewer items and use that space for something else.

Any ideas that I missed?

picture found here


  1. Oh my - do people change their PJs more than once a week? Such a heathen! Actually, I sleep in knickers when I'm alone (with the BF). PJs are strictly for holidays when I might see people... and not be decent!

    1. I'm with you - no pjs when I'm sleeping at home with hubby, but I will wear them when sleeping over with friends or family. (And my "pajamas" consist of a big t-shirt and old pair of exercise shorts, haha.) I have a friend who wears a fresh pair of pajamas every night, and she's who I had in mind when I wrote that tip ;)


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