Movie Time

I rarely go to the movies. The frugal side of me finds the prices (for tickets and snacks) hard to swallow, especially when my library offers movies for the reasonable price of free after showing my card. The only downside is the slight time crunch of needing to watch the movie within the week . . and that's a problem I don't mind having ;) So here are my mildly late reviews of movies from last year: 

Silver Linings Playbook: I adored this movie. It's about Pat, who is released from a psychiatric hospital at the beginning of the movie. He's trying to get back together with his wife when he meets Tiffany, who promises to help him if he'll train with her for a dance competition. It ends as expected, but the characters made the movie. I liked that none of them were perfect - they felt real.

Lincoln: We watched this movie mainly because I heard it was excellent on a morning radio show (I'm sure there are worse reasons). I was intrigued by the premise and grateful that the focus wasn't on bloody battle scenes; it didn't disappoint. The main focus is how Lincoln passed the 13th Amendment. After the movie, I learned it was based on a book (I think that was mentioned in the closing credits, but don't quote me on it) and now I'm excited to add it to my to-read list.

Look for my next movie review post in about, oh, five years. :) Seen any good movies lately? 


  1. I totally agree about the price of movies these days. CatMan and I were just commenting last night that it's been many years since we actually went to a theater to see a film. Somehow, it's just more fun to watch them at home snuggling together under a blanket with kitties strewn about everywhere.

    I'm a big fan of Netflix. I sorta like to be surprised by movies... to go into it with absolutely no preconceived ideas and just let the thing unfold - hence, CatMan controls the Netflix cue and I just get to be surprised.

    When it comes to watching the streaming stuff, I often play what I call "Netflix roulette" where I just close my eyes and click around with the remote control for a bit and then press play. I don't open my eyes until the movie is actually playing to ensure that I don't end up reading the synopsis and have it ruin the plot for me!

    I think the best "roulette" film I've seen recently was an offbeat comedy called "Bernie." Unbelievably it's based on a true story, but I won't tell you more than that except to say that it was very strange and I loved it!

    In the CatMan cue department, the best one recently has to be The Hunger Games. I was genuinely surprised by how much I liked it given what I knew of the plot going into the whole thing.

    Can't wait to see the two you mentioned. I think they're both in the cue somewhere!

    1. Yeah, my husband has gotten me to watch so many movies that I otherwise wouldn't have considered ("Jumper," for instance). I like your roulette idea - you must have a ton of willpower to not look! We had a free month of Netflix last year and the documentaries were my favorite part. Sooo many I'd never heard of.

      I've already read The Hunger Games, so I have an idea of how that would go . . But I'm intrigued by Bernie and will be adding it to my library hold list - thanks!

    2. I think I developed my love for movie surprises quite young. My mother and I were out shopping one day, and we decided we wanted to see a movie. There was a "sneak preview" of a movie we'd never heard of, so we went ahead and saw it. Turned out it was Steven Spielberg's ET - I was about 12 at the time and to this day it's still one of my very favorite movies. Maybe I'm just trying to recreate that experience!

    3. How memorable - I can understand why you'd want to continue the surprise movie trend :)


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