Questions Every Vegetarian is Tired of Answering

I had to laugh when I saw this! I've been asked almost every one of those questions, with why? and how do you get enough protein? being the most common. Maybe it's because I haven't been a vegetarian very long (only about 8 months), but I'm not annoyed by the questions (yet?). I see it as my chance to clear up some rumors and usually, people ask because they're curious, not to be mean :)

So, wanna know why I went vegetarian? Read more here.


  1. OMG Thanks so much for sharing this, Amanda! We've officially been "weekday vegetarians" for several weeks now (I'm loving it way more than I thought I would and find myself getting pretty guilty eating even one meaty meal on weekends). I'm getting ready for my mom's questioning like above...gotta get my facts straight. ;-) Hysterical vid!

  2. haha happy to hear you enjoyed it! I'm glad you're liking the weekday vegetarianism - hopefully your mom will understand :)

  3. Seriously. How can you not eat bacon? :)


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