Pinterest Challenge

Young House Love and Bower Power are two of my favorite blogs, so I was super excited last week to hear they would be hosting a Pinterest Challenge. Basically, pick a pin, recreate it, and blog about your results.
Since they really twisted my arm, I decided to make Cake Batter Doughnuts, originally created by Katie at Chocolate-Covered Katie.
These don't exactly taste like cake batter . . or doughnuts. Mine were more of a fluffy muffin consistency (probably because I used half white and half whole wheat flour). But still delicious. They have less sugar and butter than other doughnut recipes, which means you can eat two without a stomach ache (I know this because I had to eat two - one with sprinkles and one without - for science).

Click over to get the recipe - and ideas if you don't have a doughnut pan. Is it bad that I had one? ;)

I can't wait to see everyone else's projects!

linking up with:
Megan from The Remodeled Life
Katie from Bower Power
Sherry from Young House Love
Michelle from Decor and the Dog


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