What makes you smile?

1. Yoga! I love how yoga makes me feel, plain and simple. I usually do it at home with my Wii, but I'm going to start taking the class offered at work, too.
2. National Geographic - my favorite magazine, hands down!  I found a box of old issues (marked FREE, so how could I resist?) in college, and have read every issue since.  The articles are always fascinating and accompanied by breathtaking photographs.
3. Popcorn - the perfect snack! I'll eat it plain, with salt, with butter, with cheese, the list goes on and on.
4. Flats! Just another sign that I'm getting old, I guess (except that I've always loved them - probably an insignificant detail ;) ). I think flats are adorable and the comfort level just can't be beat.  Flats make my feet happy :)
5. Art!  I started an art board on Pinterest and can't wait to start saving my pennies to brighten up my house.

What makes you smile?
This post was inspired by Margaret!


  1. This is a great list...on my way to check out your art board on pinterest!


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