Valentine's Day Project

No, that's not a typo - I am planning for Valentine's Day in January. Probably makes me a little weird, but that's okay.  We have about a month left, but I saw a project idea in Martha Stewart Weddings (umm yes, I am already married, why do you ask? ;) ) that needs some lead time.

Will my husband enjoy it?  Hmm, hopefully. But I'm not too worried about it. I buy him packages of dried up marshmallows, what more could he want? ;)

Anyway, here it is:
Click the picture to download the template.
It was created with engaged couples in mind (hence its inclusion in Martha Stewart Weddings) but I think the idea is lovely - 25 reasons why you love someone.  I was going to glue my message over the part that says "25 reasons I can't wait to marry you," but he's a smart guy and I'm sure he knows we're married.  Someone more tech-savvy than me coud probably find a way to recreate the template to change the message electronically.

This is what it looked like when I first printed it:
I typed my reasons into the little boxes on the second page,  but it still printed blank .. umm?

So I just went with it and hand-wrote them :)

Then I cut out each little "door" with a box cutter I found in the garage.  (We may have a better tool for this, but it might've ruined the surprise if I was asking suspicious questions.)  It took about 20 minutes for this step - I think because the blade was getting a little dull (and I didn't want to ask about that, either!).

Martha recommends you use a cutting mat for this step.  I cut on top of an old newspaper because I'm cheap resourceful.
The edges aren't gorgeous, but men like rugged stuff, right?  

Use your Pokemon glue to attach the two layers:
Everyone has Pokemon glue handy, right?  :)  

Here's the completed project!
And with all the "doors" closed:
I left the white border around the edges because I like the way it looks.  Like a frame, right?  It's nice when being lazy still leads to looking good. :)

What do you think?  Have you started thinking about Valentine's Day or am I the only crazy one?

TDC Before and After 


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