Walking Challenge and December Goals

The final update! 
Previous totals, Dec. 3 - 19:  210 minutes yoga, 196 minutes walking

Dec. 20 - rain

Dec. 21 - rain
Dec. 22 - 28 minutes
Dec. 23 - 23 minutes
Dec. 24 - spent most of the day cooking and cleaning, and then it started snowing, so I excused myself from walking
Dec. 25 - 14 minutes
Dec. 26 - 2 hours (an estimate - we were at the mall for over 4 hours, and we only sat down in the shoe shop and for lunch)
Dec. 27 - 18 minutes
Dec. 28 - 36 minutes
Dec. 29 - rain
Dec. 30 - nada
Dec. 31 - nada

Overall: 435 minutes walking, 210 minutes yoga (yay!)

With all that walking, I finally finished Hattie Big Sky and now I've downloaded The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks to listen to next. Even though the challenge is over, I'm going to shoot for a walk at least 3 days a week. Yoga starts again next week after a two week hiatus for the holidays and I'm looking forward to that as well. It'll be nice to get back into a routine and my muscles miss the stretch. 

As for my December goals:

Less sitting: Definitely an improvement here. I set the timer on my cell phone for the first few days at work to remind myself to get up from my chair, but afterwards, the change was pretty easy. I also started retrieving papers from the printer as soon as I printed rather than print several things over the course of an hour and then pick them up all at once. It forces me to be up and about and less of my paperwork has gone missing.

No-drive days: I ended up with 5 days. I'm happy to stay at home, so this wasn't difficult for me in that sense. But I wanted to pay close attention to how much I was driving since I knew we would be taking several long drives to visit people for Christmas and celebrate New Year's Eve. 

Declutter: This goal was a little ambitious and I knew that from the start, but I thought it was achievable considering the amount of free time I had over the holidays. I just ended up spending more time relaxing (visiting, reading, internet surfing, and movie watching) than organizing. One room is complete, one room is still in progress. But things are looking better at least :)

How'd you do in December? I'll be back tomorrow with my goals for the new year! 


  1. Less sitting and less driving are great goals - I wouldn't have thought of them!

  2. I did the same thing with my time off over the holidays! I had big goals and assumed they would keep me from getting ores, but turns out I was perfectly content hanging on the couch all day!

    1. The couch is just too warm and welcoming! :)

  3. yay for less sitting! it's funny how I can get in a zone at work and then realize that I haven't gotten up from my desk for a couple of hours. It's not good, and I'm going to try to get up more often too.
    Happy new year!

    1. I've done the same at work! Good luck with taking more breaks :) Happy New Year!

  4. Wow you did pretty well between your three goals and all that walking. There's plenty of time to continue with the decluttering (and it often doesn't feel done for long - I always find more things to go). Nice work!

    1. Thank you! We've got a blizzard raging tonight so with my unexpected day off from work tomorrow I'd like to tackle a little more. Bit by bit! :)


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