The Wind

I've talked about it before, but it bears mentioning again because it's weird: I love a good breeze. So imagine my excitement when I found this wind map (click the photo for the interactive version). The map shows barely any breeze around my neck of the woods (East Coast), so I think this is proof that I need to visit the West sometime soon ;)
Sadly, it only shows the US right now, but maybe they'll expand!

linking up for Wordless Wednesday


  1. That's a map I've never seen before now. Interesting. And cool. (In two ways.)

    Here's my Wordless Wednesday!

  2. There is now, officially, an interactive map for everything. I have no need to look at a wind map, but did I click on it? Yes. Yes I did. I guess I will consider that my "learn something new every day" moment for today. Thanks for sharing!

    1. haha, I didn't need to look either now that you mention it! But I couldn't resist!

  3. Wow that really is quite beautiful, but also amazing that it exists too! Thanks.

  4. That's a cool map!
    I had never experienced wind like we have in New Mexico until my first spring here. It whips through town and it feels like we are going to blow away!

    1. Yeah, out West has powerful winds every time I check.


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