I'm Stuck in a Reading Rut

I'm not someone who can read multiple books at once. Just can't do it. I find myself having trouble getting back "into" a story when I switch between texts. And everything starts blurring together after a while . . 

So I take it easy on myself and read one book at a time. But lately, I've been stuck in a reading rut. It all started with Against Our Will:  Men, Women, and Rape. A very important read, definitely - but heavy. (And you're probably thinking, with that title, what was I expecting, right?) After about 200 pages, I got to the point where I couldn't read any more. I wasn't quite ready to return it the library, though, because I thought if I just took a break, I would be able to continue reading. And I certainly didn't want to have to reread the beginning to refresh my memory, so it seemed best to just take a short break and then press on. I even read a few other short books during the lull. Except that now I've had the book checked out for over two months, and haven't made any progress for weeks. So I'm giving up on it for good.

Meanwhile, I won a book (The Returned) and was so giddy about it that I started reading it immediately. It turns out that The Returned isn't too great, either. I keep trying to make myself pick it up, but all it's making me feel is that I'd rather not read at all if I have to finish that story first. So I'm giving up on it as well. 

I think I need to head to the library, park myself in front of the shelves, and not leave until I have a stack of books that I'm so pumped to read that I wish I could simultaneously read and drive home. (Ever feel that way or is it just me?)

Time for a look through my to-read list, methinks. 


  1. I totally feel ya. I've got a stack of books going (but, I'm like you...I don't necessarily like it), and my schedule makes it such that I can really only read in bed. I only get a few pages done at a time. I honestly believe that if I found a book that captured me enough, I'd be reading for several hours in bed each night to finish the thing (and I'd go to bed earlier because I simply couldn't wait to read it). We're both on the hunt!

    1. That sucks! It's nice to know I'm not alone. I usually read before bed and when I first wake up on the weekends, but lately I've been playing video games instead - ugh.

  2. I rarely have time to read an actual book it seems this day. my "to read" pile is all blogs!! LOL
    but when I was averaging a book every 2 weeks (oddly this was what I refer to as "BC" time...Before Children), I had some tried and true favourites that I would return to when I got stuck in a rut. usually something that really sparked the love of words again...a good "grab their attention" story. then I am recharged and ready for something new.

    1. Ooh, I love this idea! I have so many good books just collecting dust on my bookshelves too - thank you!

  3. yes, I have a lot of to-read that should interest me but fall flat when I try to read them, or are a slow slog, even if worthwhile.

    1. Yep! I try my best to read books all the way through, but it just wasn't happening. Thankfully I had a few books I requested come in at the library, so I'm excited to pick them up :)


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