Baby Giraffe: 8 month update

Hey there! It's been a while! Mr. G and I are enjoying a few extra days off work for the 4th of July (Independence Day) and there's nothing as sweet as extra family time at home these days. I figured I'd do a baby update and then you guys can leave me questions in the comments section if there's something else you'd like to hear about :) Not sure how the comments section is behaving these days - comments should show up immediately (otherwise, they've been lost forever). You can always email me instead thegiraffelife AT gmail DOT com if that happens. So anyway! Baby stuff! I mishmashed this format from a bunch of other blogs that do monthly updates on their kids, like Kelsey , Amber , and Becky . My yoga assistant Growth: weight - 18 pounds, 11 ounces (8.5 kg) last week height - 26 inches (66 cm) at 6 months wearing - size 4 diapers and 12 month clothes teeth ...