Goals for 2015

2015! It feels like a good, round number for some reason. I'm excited to share my goals for this year - a couple familiar carry overs and some new ones.


Save $300 per pay - Continued from last year. And to make it easier, I'm having it automatically deducted from my paychecks. 


Attend more than 67 yoga classes - Super random number, right? Last year I attended about 67 yoga classes (can't be 100% sure because I didn't start keeping track until late July) so I just want to beat my previous record. I'm going to use this daily goal calendar - black Xs on days I do any kind of exercise (probably a walk), purple Xs for yoga, and left blank for no exercise. This method is quick and very visual so I think it'll work for me. 

from the make29 shop

Read 52 books - A book a week (or so). Aiming for 50 books pushes me to make reading a priority without pressuring me to choose short books to inflate my numbers. So I just added 2 to match the length of a year perfectly.


Exercise together twice a month - Mr. G and I attended a few yoga classes together in November and December and we'd like to keep that going. We often walk around our neighborhood together, but this will encourage us to continue doing yoga together or try out some of the other $5 classes offered at our local gym.

Travel twice - Because it's fun! We'll probably go away for several days for our anniversary in June, and then perhaps a long weekend somewhere else?

Cook 6 new recipes together - We've been collaborating in the kitchen more often lately and enjoying ourselves. We even tried a few new foods! So now let's take that to the next level and combine cooking together with new recipes. Might be a disaster waiting to happen or a great hit, but we'll risk it, hah!

I'd love to hear about your goals for 2015 :)


  1. Lol - I love your super random number :) There's a lot of consistency with previous years. I still love that post you did showing the Yoga progress over time. It's amazing how sticking steadily with goals can lead to amazing progress. Good luck for 2015!

    1. Yes, lots of consistency. And thanks for the reminder - I'm going to take more yoga pictures soon for my own progress!

  2. Hmm... I don't really do goals like that because it tends to lead to feelings of inadequacy. But I am aiming to spend a bit more time working on my websites this year. I'm thinking of it as trying to waste time more effectively. In other words, if I have few minutes to kill at my computer, instead of playing yet ANOTHER game of computer solitaire, perhaps I'll edit a few photos and post them on my photo site, or make a few cute memes for my meme site. It's gotta be better than becoming the world's greatest computer solitaire whiz!

    1. Completely understandable. Good luck!

      I remember when my family first got a computer - it had Free Cell and solitaire and I would play them for my entire allotted time. So addicting!

  3. I like your goals - and I bet your colour-coded tracking system will work great!

  4. I love how specific (and seemingly but not really) the numbers are.

    Great goals!

    1. Left out a word! Should say "seemingly, but not really, random"

  5. Good luck with your goals Amanda! Apart from our financial goals I just want to get all the apartment updates done.

    1. Thanks Laura! I hope your apartment updates go well - I enjoy the transformation :)

  6. Great goals - I love the random number. At first I thought 67 was really high, but I guess it averages out to 1 and a bit per week, which definitely sounds doable. I'm trying to get more into yoga this year. I'm thinking I will join the yoga club at uni for free classes :)

    1. I would love free yoga classes! I hope you enjoy them :)

  7. ah, comments field showed up. wouldn't for me in newest post. might be a big on my end. I can't tell.

    funnily enough my goal is to cook 5 fewer meals for week and learn the joy of leftovers.

    1. That's a great goal! I love leftovers :) They save me because I don't usually have the energy to cook a nice meal when I get home from work.


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