Do you save cards?

I'm still working on cleaning out the spare bedroom. Though no one consistently uses the room, we have a dresser in there because it matches the bed. Many of the drawers have gradually been filled over the years and now I'm trying to clean them out . .

And I came across two bags of old cards and letters. (I have another bag that I'm currently filling, which made me forget about these two.) I reread them and stirred up lots of good memories. Some went in the trash because they were just plain cards that someone had signed their name to, but I kept all the special ones with a message inside. So I thought - I'll put them in an empty plastic box so they can be stacked neatly in the closet. 
The only problem is that the containers don't hold nearly as much as I thought they would! I don't think I could possibly toss any more - so tomorrow I'm off to buy another container.

Do you save cards?


  1. I do! I spent some time scanning a lot onto a disk years ago, but they've since built right back up. Only last week I sorted ours out - I only keep ones from the kids + ours - and I can't seem to think of a solution to storing them apart from buying another box either. I don't hold onto too many sentimental items, but I love all the sweet messages from my family, so I keep them.

    1. Yeah, I don't know of another storage option either. At least the box is better than the bag they were in.

  2. I like the idea of scanning cards! I must say, I don't keep a lot of cards unless they are particularly special. I do reuse cards though! For example, I'll cut the fronts off of old Christmas cards and make gift tags with them by cutting them into smaller rectangles. I also did this for class xmas favours and had the boy write To: and From: and we taped small candy canes to them. Depending on who the card is going to, we've also just given the front postcard style and written a personal message on the blank side (inside cover).

    1. I love the idea of reusing the fronts for gift tags! I'll have to set some aside this year.

  3. Oh yes... I am a card and letter saver - I recently unearthed some hilarious ones from my childhood which I brought to my high school reunion a few summers ago. It was a riot! I should try to consolidate them all in one place though...

  4. Yes, another card and letter saver here! I scanned quite a lot but keep finding other boxes here and there. My mil recently gave me saved cards from my husband's past and we also have our child's birth and first birthday adds up to a lot of space storage! Not really sure what to do with it all.

    1. Yes, and it's a collection that will only continue to grow as the years go by . .

  5. Gah I commented on this on my phone, but it got eaten :(

    I bundle up my cards with other memories from a year with a ribbon. And they go in an archive box, which naturally has a lot of space left :p

    The BF has kept all the cards I've given him, and then hang above his desk in the study - it's pretty cute (I hung them cause he didn't like them hidden).

    I've been working on getting my grandpa to write more than his name in cards, cause soon I know it'll be the only memory I have of him

    1. haha, my hubby keeps cards from me in his sock drawer (or at least, he used to - haven't checked on that in a while).

      I understand about your grandpa - I teared up reading the cards from my great-grandmother who passed away in January.

  6. Oh my. Yes, I do. I have cards all the way back from my 7th birthday!! Whenever I get a card, I stash it away while asking myself why on earth I think I will ever want to look at this card again, but I just can't throw them out. Agh.

    1. haha, I have things I can't bear to trash either :)

  7. I do the same as Sarah. First I just keep cards that have a personal message inside or that came with a letter or photo. Then I bundle them into a year's batch of mementos. I just recently packaged up 2013's, so I have to keep on top of this!

    1. Christmas cards with photos are quite popular and I enjoyed seeing all those again - our nieces and nephews have already changed a lot since last year's picture!

      Other than paying bills, paper in general is something I struggle to keep on top of. Thank goodness for electronic bills! They've cut back my clutter.

  8. I used to keep cards as mementos. Then they were becoming unwieldy and I had an epiphany. Cards are about expressing an emotion for A moment in tie. They are of the present. Card received, feeling or message shared. So now I toss after a short period. I have to hide my tossing from Mr S, as he likes to keep them but in no organised manner, so they are everywhere around the house.

    I also used to keep cards as I thought I'd recycle and make my own. Well, no second guessing how that turned out. Just more clutter.

    That aside, I still have a few cards from special events. Babies' christenings and congrats. A couple of cards from deceased grandmothers and family friends, a few special birthday cards that hold important memories of people. But from now on, most go in the recycling.

    1. Good point! They'll all be recycled eventually anyway. I did pare down my collection quite a bit, but I'm keeping plenty too :)

  9. so many slipsliding everywhere.


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