Bucket List

Just as the title says, this is my bucket list. I wrote about the beginnings of this list a little over a year ago (I'll blame finishing it on all the dying plants around here). 
Not in any particular order, except my marriage and a (future) child are at the tippy-top, importance-wise!

Nurture my marriage
Have a child (I think I want 2, but it's hard to predict without having any; hubby votes for 1 or 2 as well)
Complete 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training (and depending on how that goes, possibly become an instructor?)
Go on a cruise
Hike part of the Appalachian Trail (a guided tour probably)
Pay off all debt (car loan and mortgage)
Go whale watching
Vacation with extended family
Write a book
Get a passport and  . . 
Travel outside the US
Do a handstand without a wall
Save for retirement (and retire!)
Go snorkeling in the ocean (I tried it briefly in a giant tank at Disney World)

Of course, I've already accomplished some things that would've been on a 15-year-old Amanda's bucket list, like graduate from college, public speaking, get married, go on a hot air balloon ride, buy a house . . but it seems silly to add those just to cross them off. The list above reflects my dreams today. :)

Do you have a bucket list? Any overlap between your aspirations and mine?


  1. Great list, Amanda! Hiking the Appalachian Trail would be cool. But a handstand without a wall? Not in my wildest dreams! Lately my "bucket list" is a bit modest - I am thinking things like, "Would I ever dare try a zip line?" or even a spinning class, LOL!

    1. Spin class isn't for me either! :) The Appalachian Trail isn't too far from me but I kept waiting for someone to want to do it with me. Still looks like that's not going to happen, but the idea of going solo is growing on me (with a guide, certainly, just not someone I know personally).

  2. I love it Amanda! There are no crazy items on my bucket list - it's mainly travel related! I used to be able to handstand without a wall, but these days I fear it would end in broken body parts lol!

    1. Thanks :) I have always wanted to do a hand stand - yoga is really helping me with balance in general so I'm gearing up to try it! (I'm afraid of broken body parts too if I'm completely honest!)

  3. I love your list, Amanda! Ooooh...I'd love to hike a section of the Appalachian Trail. I share quite a few items on your list. I still haven't written down a "Bucket List" but I'm thinking it might motivate me to keep pushing on if I have some goals beyond our 'financial decluttering' ones.

    1. I'd love to see your Bucket List! My financial goals used to be the ones I thought about most often, but lately I've been trying to focus on enjoying life along the way, even if it means spending more money (and some of these will cost quite a bit!) :)

  4. I love your Bucket List! It is wonderfully diverse. Your comment on 15 year old Amanda's Bucket List got me thinking that maybe having two lists wouldn't be so bad. An "In the Bucket List" would be good for reflection and gratitude. Debt is big on my list to cross off. I also have a bit of a travel bucket list too with family travel, couple travel, and places I'd like to travel with friends. They range from one night trips to bigger more extravagant trips. An extended family trip would be fun! Now I just have to stop planning and start doing!

    1. Good point! I have a lot to be grateful for and the reminder wouldn't hurt :)

  5. I have a few posts on buckets lists - one 12 in 2 list which is due to expire Feb next year and many aren't done, one for life, and a list of bucket list things I've done: http://www.livetolist.com/?s=bucket+list&op.x=0&op.y=0

    I used to be able to do handstands, and cartwheels (which came up in conversation with the BF on the holiday), but with my wrist injuries of yesteryear, I wouldn't try any of it again. I love that I love to walk, but the sound of a 'hike' scares me. I'd probably like it too! So no hikes etc on mine. I have a lot of 'event' + location sorts of things - like things places are known for or similar.

    One private sort of bucket list thing I had was that if I wasn't married by 30, I'd have a BIG party for my 30th, which is months away. It won't be big on the guest count, but it will be big in the ways I want it to be - uber decorated, fancy outfit, all the food I love... It's my 'happy place' now days.

    1. Your bucket list is a great mix of stuff! Lots of good ideas there :) My wrists are okay, but I need to work on upper body strength and balance before I can do a handstand without immediately falling over.

      I'm not planning a hardcore hike by any means. I was thinking more of a guided walk through the wilderness. I'll wear boots and carry a backpack, but I won't be scaling rock walls or teetering on the edge of cliffs. I can call it hiking lite?

      Love the 30th birthday party idea. Fun fun fun!

  6. I don't want to do the Appalachian Trail but I absolutely loved Bill Bryson's account of his walk along it. Soooo funny. You have to read it.

    My major thing is to get the mortgage gone and plan (and save) for retirement. While having some great travels with Mr S.

    1. Ooh, I'll have to look up Bill Bryson's book then.


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