In the Garden - July 2014

Before I had a blog, I would think about taking pictures of the garden but never actually do it. Last summer I finally followed through (I think because then I could share the photos with you guys) and I am so happy about it. I'm one of those weird people who is thrilled by plants growing and pictures prove it much more impressively than my descriptions.

So without any further yammering, here's the garden:

And May and June, for comparison's sake:
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That big bare patch of ground is where the compost bin used to sit. We moved it so we could stir it top to bottom, and there was quite a lot of usable soil at the bottom. An added bonus is that now Mr. G can make one pass through the beds (and onward) with the lawn mower.

Amber mentioned magic beans in her garden last month (they turn from purple to green when cooked!) and was kind enough to send me some seeds. :) I'm hoping to plant them in the empty space left behind when I uproot my potato plants. 

Everything is doing well. The broccoli (unexpectedly) decided to go ahead and grow: 
(Don't mind the wilted cucumber leaves. We were expecting heavy rains that night so I didn't want to water anything. They look better now.)

And in super happy garden news, the first harvest - a strawberry and ten potatoes! 

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The potatoes were tasty, both raw and in dumpling soup. The strawberry didn't even make it into the house.

It appears the cucumbers will be ready soon too: 
Yay! Lots of salads in our future.

I can usually count on my Black Eyed Susans to bloom by the 4th of July, and they were right on schedule this year. So cheery.

How's your garden?


  1. Looking good!

    I see the rabbits haven't got into your vegies but what about birds? And snails?

    I bet the potatoes were soft and sweet!

    1. No snails or slugs so far this year, thank goodness! They creep me out with their constant wetness. The birds don't realize there's anything good yet ;) Once a few more strawberries start to ripen, that may change!

  2. My cucumbers are way behind because they got in late, but my tomato plants (which I bought from a nursery this year back in April) are already over 4 feet tall and producing enough tomatoes so I shouldn't have to buy any until November. The peppers, as usual, aren't doing much. Not sure why I have such bad luck with them. There are a pile of little zucchini set on though so hopefully I'll get a good harvest there. And I can't believe you're harvesting potatoes already! I thought you were supposed to wait until after they bloomed - like late fall... hmm....

    1. Glad to hear you're having a great tomato year! My peppers never cooperate either. I've grown a grand total of 1 pepper in the past 3 years of trying. Yay zucchini - I have a few little flowers so I'm excited for those soon.

      I planted my potatoes in late April (before last frost) and the flowers started blooming right before I left for California. All the flowers are dead/gone now, so I guessed they would be ready and dug one plant up to be sure. I planted the red kind, so maybe the yellow ones aren't ready til fall?

  3. Looks great! I'm going to build a few raised beds this year to get them filled and ready for next year. I think it's going to make controlling weeds a lot easier.

    1. Raised beds cut WAY back on the weeds for me. I've also heard mulching helps but I'm a little too cheap to try that just yet.

  4. I love your garden pictures...there is just something so satisfying about a neatly set out plot. The potatoes are amazing - how satisfying to get such a good crop! We are still mostly growing herbs, not veggies. Travelling through France has totally changed our views on food though. We're very keen to get more home-grown produce happening.

    1. Can't wait to hear more about France!!

      I was surprised by the potatoes - this is my first year growing them and I wasn't sure what to expect. Please share if you decide to plant some veggies at home :)


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