May 2014 Goals Update

We are slowly easing into summer time temperatures around here. It was 80° (27° C) on Monday, then cooled back off, and only a high of 56° (13°) yesterday. I've started checking the forecast in California too (three more weeks!), and wow, San Diego has some of the most consistent weather I've ever seen:

Nothing new to cross off this month, but all's well. We are still working steadily on our savings goal and finding a book to read together (Beedle the Bard didn't pan out). 

This month wasn't anything special in the solo reading department either. I only read 4 books, partially because we started watched Modern Family, and partially because nothing really grabbed me. Everything was just okay.
 I'm ready for June!


  1. I finished no books! Quelle horreur!! Stupid I know but I'm not letting myself start the books I really want to read until I finish the book I started ages ago. End result: no reading. What's the book with the two women on the cover? I can't read the title.

    I love the excitement of pre-travel! Looking up the weather and sites to see and randomly doing Google maps street view!

    I think finishing your degree really is one that needs to be in lights. For most people that would be enough for a year! So well done you!

    1. Silly me! Just found the title via side link. I'm not on Goodreads. Have you seen the movie? I enjoyed the movie but haven't read the book.

    2. Glad you found it! I saw the movie about 2 years ago, and I prefer that version. The book dragged on in some places, which I don't remember about the movie.

    3. I've been there! I had a rough patch last year with 2 really awful books I wanted to finish before reading anything else. Bleh.

      I'm so excited for our trip! It was hard to imagine it back in January, but now that we're super close I'm really looking forward to it.

      And thank you for the kind words about my degree! I think we'll celebrate again in July when my diploma arrives :)

  2. I'm enjoying seeing all your books on Good Reads!

    50 books in a year is such a huge goal (on top of other big goals.) You are well on track though - well done!

    3 weeks til California - I'm excited for you! I've always wanted to go to California. I can't wait to see it vicariously through the blog!

    1. Thank you Fiona! 50 books seems to be my Goldilocks number - enough to push me to make reading a priority, but not so high that I feel stressed. :)

      I'm very excited for California and I'm sure there will be lots of posts about it! I hope you do the same when you visit Europe - I'd love to travel there someday!


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