Goals Update for April

As much as I enjoy the cold, crisp air of winter, and the scenes of snow . . this in between time might just be my favorite time of year. Not too hot and not too cold. Plants waking up but not too many pesky weeds. Just lovely.

This month I accomplished two of my 2014 goals so I made this handy dandy list in PowerPoint so I can cross them off as the year goes on. 

Now, on to the details! 

The mortgage:  I took on a temporary responsibility at work, which at first was only supposed to be one additional hour per week, but morphed into an extra seven hours! Thankfully I'm being paid for my time, and that unexpected money went to the mortgage for May, helping us pass the $2k mark. I still plan on putting extra toward the mortgage, just not as much as we have been. 
My degree:  My projects were graded and I passed, so it's official - I'm finished! (Thank goodness because we already celebrated, haha).

Reading:  This month I read a good bit . . 6 books!

I've been reading a lot of fiction lately, and this month was no different. My favorites were:

  • Life As We Knew It:  A meteor knocks the moon closer to Earth, causing all sorts of problems for Miranda and her family. I'm still thinking about this book and the characters almost a full month after I read it, a rarity for me. I can't wait to get the next installment. :)
  • Divergent: I read this because we had plans to see the movie and I wanted to read the book beforehand. We didn't end up seeing the movie, but I throughly enjoyed the book anyway. It's about a futuristic society where people choose a faction that best aligns with their strengths/values to belong to in an effort to maintain a peaceful society. (Of course, if everything was copacetic, there wouldn't be much of a story, right?) 
  • Roomies: Two girls are assigned to be college roommates so they start emailing each other, which leads to a closer relationship than expected. Reading this book made me wish there were more books about the beginnings of friendships, not just the start of romantic relationships. 

How was your April? Read anything good lately?


  1. Brilliant job on meeting the extra mortgage repayment goal!

    And I love your PowerPoint list. When I opened your blog, I thought "How has she done that!" Looks mighty fine. Now if only I could do it on my iPad. I'm too lazy to go to my computer to do anything. (I'm commenting and blog reading here from bed now.)

    1. Thank you! I understand the laziness - I'm currently using my laptop in bed! :)

  2. Did you buy extra canned goods at the grocery after you finished Life As We Knew It? I made my boy read it and after he finished he made up an emergency backpack filled with canned beans and bottled water to keep in the closet, just in case.

    1. At first I was all about resisting the urge to stock up. But I'll admit I bought canned soup and replenished our bottled water supply about a week later, hah! Can't hurt, right?

  3. Getting a degree is a huge achievement - congrats! And the mortgage overpayment is icing on the cake. "Life as We Knew It" sounds good!

    1. Thank you so much! It's been an excellent month :)

      I loved "Life as We Knew It" - I look forward to hearing what you think of it.

  4. What a great month - degree finished and such a big mortgage overpayment! And the other icing on the cake...summer and the trips to look forward to!

    1. Yes, definitely looking forward to the summer! We need a countdown for our vacation :)

  5. Congratulations! Those are two biggies crossed off your list, and it's only the beginning of May!

    1. Thanks! My degree was the one that was worrying me the most, and it's a huge relief to have it off my plate. Now I can focus on the fun stuff :)

  6. Life as we Knew It is on my wishlist - it sounds like a great series. Good job with your goals... Having lists and crossing off items is so satisfying

    1. It was a great book all by itself, and I'm hoping I enjoy the rest of the series too. :)

      Yes - I love to-do lists!


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