Jeans on Friday

Inspired by Kelsey, I thought I'd share something making me happy this week.

picture credit:
Jeans on Friday! 

I got a new boss this past August and she decided that only being allowed to wear jeans on the last Friday of the month wasn't enough and changed the rule to every Friday. It's lovely! Fridays are already a pleasant day (everyone seems much more laid back on a Friday than a Monday) and this puts a smile on my face when I'm getting dressed. (Am I the only one who thinks it's much simpler to get dressed when you can wear jeans? Anything matches!)

What's making you happy this week?


  1. We don't have a dress code at work but I try to look ever-so-slightly manager-ish. I have a pair of dark wash jeans that I wear about once a week. I love the jeans in the photo!

    1. Me too! They're similar to the ones I bought when I first got this job. Before that I didn't have any work appropriate jeans!

  2. I always dress casual when I work Fridays (we have a RDO a fortnight, so it seems I don't work that many Fridays). The rest of the week I wear a uniform which is not at all feminine! I love to wear heeled boots too. Makes me so happy to mix up the outfits (though if I had to pick outfits every day, I'd get over it too)

    1. When I used to work in a restaurant, I got sick of wearing a uniform too. At least you a have Friday here and there to dress differently :)

  3. I'm chuckling because I wore jeans to work every day back when I still had a job. Guess that's one of the benefits of working in the "folk music industry" :-)

    1. Yeah, jeans make sense for the folk music industry. :) The last time I could wear jeans to work everyday was when I babysat in high school.

  4. No jeans for me at work. What made me happy was two nights out for dinner catching up with friends.

    1. Bummer!

      Dinners out with friends are the best :)

  5. I so agree and am so happy we have casual Friday!


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