Christmas Date Night

Usually my husband and I don't buy each other gifts for Christmas. Rather, our tradition for the past four years has been a late November day trip to New York City. That trip didn't happen this fall for a variety of reasons (I'm holding out that we can make it in the spring!), so we had a local Christmas date night instead. My husband's idea was simple: bowling and dinner out. I loved it. So, that's what we did. 

I wish all decisions were that easy!

For $31, we rented a lane and shoes for one hour. Here's one of our scoreboards (please excuse the steamy penguins and kitten - they were the only sticker options in my photo editing program that would cover Mr. G's name):
We hadn't been bowling in ages, and it was so much fun! (88 was my high score for the day - I'm terrible!) 

Our super fashionable rental shoes:
Dinner was great. Steak for Mr. G (and I didn't have to go near it in its raw state - win!) and fried greens beans with a salad for me. Not quite the same as traditional Christmas presents, but so enjoyable. Mr. G even got photographic evidence of my poor form when wielding a bowling ball, which I'll have to add to our yearly photo album. I get the feeling we'll be laughing about all my gutter balls every time we look through it ;)

How do you and your significant other celebrate holidays?


  1. Mr Exacting and I set a price limit on our gift exchange this year, about 75% less than usual. We'll see how it feels on the day!

  2. sounds fun..
    we haven't been able to make our Christmas visit to nyc this year either.. we have been doing it for years now.. but this year my legs just aren't up for it.

    1. That's too bad. Hopefully next year then!

  3. Great idea.

    (I'm not the best bowler. Preferred going when my children were younger and we could use the bumper bars instead of having so many balls go down the gutter. I pretended the bumper was for the kids. Yeah, right!)

    1. haha! I wish we could've used the bumpers!

  4. That's a great idea :) I really like the idea of experiences rather than presents. I also like giving presents that can be eaten or used so they're not cluttering up someone's house.

    Happy Christmas to you and Mr Giraffe :)

    1. I agree - food and alcohol are some of my favorite gifts for that very reason :)

  5. That looks like so much fun! We chose this year not to exchange gifts and there were no regrets on either end!

    1. I'm so glad to hear other people don't do gifts either - makes me feel less weird! It's so much less stress for us; we love it too!


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