Stubborn Leaves

I snapped this shot on a walk last week and couldn't help but wonder why this particular tree still has its leaves (as a comparison, take a look at the bare ones in the background). Hmmm.

Have all the leaves come down in your neck of the woods?

linking up to wordless Wednesday


  1. That is an awesome leaves! :)
    Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here.

  2. Leaves never come down in my neck of the woods; we don't have fall or winter along the Texas Gulf Coast. :-( Lucky you!

    Here's my Wordless Wednesday!

    1. Oh man, I don't know if I could live where it's that warm.

  3. I had one stubborn holdout tree, but it gave up with the blustery winds today.

    1. We're now in our second day of straight rain, so I'll have to check on it tomorrow and see how the leaves fared.

  4. I love stubborn leaves. They give us joy for longer ;-)


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