Spelling Mistakes

So you may have noticed I have some recipes listed over there on the right hand side. These are the ones that people visit my blog for most often, which is why I feature them on the sidebar. But a funny thing happened the other day when I was scrolling down to answer blog comments - this picture caught my eye.
Notice anything out of the ordinary?

Yes - I spelled MACARONI wrong. In March. And it has taken me until the end of August to notice. (Needless to say, spelling is not my strong suit, and I rely heavily on spell check. I was also that kid who didn't seem to "get" spelling until upper elementary/middle school.) 

Hopefully by the time you're reading this it'll be fixed ;)

Are you a good speller?


  1. Horrid speller in school - but OK now that most browsers auto spell check (and wordpress is dumb, and sometimes they get me, but mostly I outsmart them). They say the more you read the easier it gets?!

  2. I used to be. now I make a daunting number of mistakes that I can't see and people don't point out unless it interrupts meanings.

    1. Yeah - I don't see mine either! It's much easier for me to find other people's mistakes.

  3. I have an eagle eye for spelling and grammar but I try not to let it take over my life!

    1. There are certain grammar things that really bother me, but plenty more that I don't understand . .

  4. Ha! You couldn't possibly be a worse speller than I am! :-)

    1. Btw... how are you supposed to spell macaroni? It looks right to me...
      Oh wait! "Maraconi" I see it now. Dyslexics untie!!!

    2. It's funny . . I made a new label for that picture this weekend and when I first typed it, I misspelled macaroni again. Good grief.

  5. Sometimes you just look at something so often that you see what you expect to see rather than what is really there!

  6. You read my blog so I KNOW you know my spelling is atrocious LOL. I swear auto-correct on Microsoft Word ruin my generation for spelling ;)

    1. Exactly - it's been years since I used a dictionary. I use google and it usually figures out what I'm trying to spell ;)

  7. My mum is a teacher who loves to point out spelling mistakes (and misplaced apostrophes) whenever we go anywhere, so my spelling is pretty good :) However, I have been guilty of staring at something for a long time, but missing blindingly obvious mistakes!

    1. Apostrophes are easier for me to notice for whatever reason. Maybe because the rules for apostrophes don't seem as tricky?


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